Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical health care providers in Michigan
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 86,887 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Michigan, there are about 3,923 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Thomas, Kara | PSY | Hastings, MI | 1073187902 |
Thomas, Kristen Sarah | MS, LLP, LPCC | Livonia, MI | 1912053174 |
Thomas, Paula Jean | PH.D. | Southfield, MI | 1730233313 |
Thomas, Treg Allen | PSY | Grand Rapids, MI | 1871963611 |
Thompson, Angela Marie | LLP | Kalamazoo, MI | 1972681310 |
Thompson, Michele Lyn | Northville, MI | 1376850867 |
Thompson, Wendy | PHD | Ypsilanti, MI | 1104960632 |
Thomson, William John | PH.D. | Ann Arbor, MI | 1275688269 |
Thornsen, David E | PSYD | Grand Rapids, MI | 1356303556 |
Thornton, Shelly | PHD | Flint, MI | 1932775376 |
Thrive Therapy Group, P.C. | Clinton Township, MI | 1245667443 |
Thriving Pineapple | Pleasant Ridge, MI | 1053896746 |
Thurman, Ashlyn | TLLP | Midland, MI | 1831979889 |
Thurswell, Judith Linda | PSYD | West Bloomfield, MI | 1225145162 |
Tiemeyer, Angela M | M.S., TLLP | Northville, MI | 1831797349 |
Tierney, Joseph Lloyd | PSYD LP | Midland, MI | 1336281096 |
Tigay, Barry H. | PH.D. | Bloomfield Hills, MI | 1881778439 |
Timber Creek Counseling, Llc | Chelsea, MI | 1194213322 |
Timber Creek Foundation | Chelsea, MI | 1689437386 |
Tindall, Shauna | PHD | Ann Arbor, MI | 1457342248 |
Tipton, Jacob | Detroit, MI | 1407352610 |
Titus, Jacqueline Mezza | PH.D. | East Lansing, MI | 1790931251 |
Tobin, Erin T | PHD | Detroit, MI | 1134658172 |
Tobin, Kaitlyn | Caro, MI | 1043615800 |
Todesco, Paolo | PH.D., LP | Groose Pointe Woods, MI | 1114352606 |
Toh, Gim Yen | PHD | Ann Arbor, MI | 1770013427 |
Toll, Roberta | PH. D. | Bingham Farms, MI | 1992763783 |
Tom Batchelder & Associates, Pllc | Alma, MI | 1912286980 |
Tomakowsky, Janice Gail | PH.D. | Royal Oak, MI | 1518089705 |
Tomczak, Deborah A | MS, LLP, LMSW | Standish, MI | 1881860427 |
Tomey, Scott Stephen | LLP | Farmington, MI | 1790327328 |
Tompkins, Lauren Michelle | PH.D. | Flint, MI | 1356498869 |
Toplyn, Elizabeth Ann | PH.D. | Royal Oak, MI | 1750329868 |
Toplyn, Glenn Allen | PH.D. | Westland, MI | 1861447237 |
Torgersen, Elizabeth K | PHD | Battle Creek, MI | 1760954432 |
Toro, Jessica | TLLP | Southgate, MI | 1841680824 |
Toronto, Ellen Kaylor | PH.D. | Ann Arbor, MI | 1568682656 |
Torosian, Tracey | PH.D. | Saint Clair Shores, MI | 1962531335 |
Torres Sprauer, Olivia | PSYD | Grand Rapids, MI | 1235504655 |
Toth, Kirsten Elizabeth | MS | Detroit, MI | 1598194391 |
Totten, Donald Leo | LP | Big Rapids, MI | 1962575274 |
Touchette, Erin Michelle | TLLP | Detroit, MI | 1417192238 |
Towers, Michael K | MA | Lathrup Village, MI | 1780863159 |
Townley, Nicole Elizabeth | MA | Southgate, MI | 1629550926 |
Towns, Lynice | Novi, MI | 1902375264 |
Townsend, Patricia Joanne | Norton Shores, MI | 1699757807 |
Townsend, Steven Glen | EDD | Portage, MI | 1215914304 |
Traitel, Richard Bernard | PH.D. | Bloomfield Hills, MI | 1922170299 |
Tran, Olesya | Utica, MI | 1073064762 |
Trask, John H | PH.D. | Troy, MI | 1417924200 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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