Blissful Healing Center
LBN: Blissful Healing Center
Blissful Healing Center is an health care organization with primary practice located at 4110 Moorpark Ave Ste D , San Jose CA 95117-1712. The organization recently has 2 registered licenses in different health care specialties including Other Service Providers / Acupuncturist, Ambulatory Health Care Facilities / Pain. Ambulatory Health Care Facilities / Pain is the primary health care specialty.
Blissful Healing Center can be contacted via phone (408) 777-6668, or through Liang, Jianying via phone (415) 666-6600.
Contact Information
Primary practice address
4110 Moorpark Ave Ste D
San Jose CA 95117-1712
Phone: (408) 777-6668
Health care specialties
Specialty | Code | License # | State |
Other Service Providers / Acupuncturist | 171100000X | ||
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities / Pain | 261QP3300X |
Profile Details
NPI number | 1659020766 |
LBN Legal business name | Blissful Healing Center |
DBA Doing business as | |
Authorized official | Liang, Jianying |
Entity | Organization |
Organization subpart 1 | No |
Enumeration date | Mar 23rd, 2022 |
Last updated | Mar 23rd, 2022 - about 2 years ago |
1 Some organizations, which are providing health care services, may consist of units or departments that provide different types of health care services or have several separate physical locations, where health care service is provided. These units, departments or physical locations are not themselves legal entities. However, each of them is part of the organization, which is a legal entity. The organization may decide whether its subparts, if it has any, should have their own NPI numbers. In case a subpart conducts any HIPAA standard transactions by itself, without its parent's involvement, it must have its own NPI number.
Popular Providers
Pain & Injury Institute Pc
3097 Moorpark Ave Ste 200 , San Jose CA 95128-2543 -
Harvinder Mundh Md Corporation
4000 Civic Center Dr Ste 205 , San Rafael CA 94903-5233 -
Jerry Rand Apmc
4241 Jutland Dr Suite 202, San Diego CA 92117-3663 -
Bay Surgery Center Llc
1610 Blossom Hill Rd Suite 10 , San Jose CA 95124 -
San Diego Foundation For Recovery
4241 Jutland Dr 103, San Diego CA 92117-3663 -
Ching Chen
2525 Camino Del Rio S Ste 313 , San Diego CA 92108 -
Advanced Pain Treatment Medical Center
1412 W 7Th St , San Pedro CA 90732-3507 -
Mannie Joel Md Inc.
15035 E 14Th St , San Leandro CA 94578-1901