Swiderski, Catherine Laura
Swiderski, Catherine Laura is an sole proprietor health care provider with primary practice located at 224 Main St Suite 2D, Salem NH 03079. She recently has only one registered license in Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Ergonomics, which is considered as her primary health care specialty. Swiderski, Catherine Laura can be contacted via phone (603) 893-8550.Contact Information
Primary practice address
224 Main St Suite 2D
Salem NH 03079
Phone: (603) 893-8550
Fax: (603) 893-8680
Health care specialties
Specialty | Code | License # | State |
Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Ergonomics | 225XE1200X | 007835-1 | New York |
Profile Details
NPI number | 1457439614 |
LBN Legal business name | Swiderski, Catherine Laura |
Credentials | Occupational Therapist (OT) |
Entity | Individual |
Sole proprietor 1 | Yes |
Enumeration date | Nov 2nd, 2006 |
Last updated | Oct 30th, 2013 - about 11 years ago |
1 A sole proprietor/sole proprietorship is an individual, and in that capacity, is qualified for a solitary NPI number. The sole proprietor have to apply for the NPI number using his or her own particular Social Security Number (SSN), instead of Employer Identification Number (EIN) regardless of whether he/she has an EIN.
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