Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Addiction Medicine health care providers in Michigan
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 2,596 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Addiction Medicine doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Michigan, there are about 74 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Addiction Medicine health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aegis Medical, Pllc | Grosse Pointe, MI | 1831883529 |
Appel, Jerry Avrum | DO | Bloomfield Township, MI | 1134335359 |
Arbor Medical Coffman & Fox,D.O.,P.C. | Livonia, MI | 1417288812 |
Baker, Bruce Henry | MD | Grand Rapids, MI | 1952377566 |
Baraga County Memorial Hospital | Lanse, MI | 1841555430 |
Behavioral Infermiera Care Solutions Inc | Warren, MI | 1568712370 |
Bio-Med Behavioral Healthcare Inc | Roseville, MI | 1417099417 |
Biomed Behavioral Healthcare | Waterford, MI | 1780821900 |
Carl Christensen Md Pllc | Ypsilanti, MI | 1164830048 |
Christensen, Carl Woodrow | MD | Ypsilanti, MI | 1598703621 |
Coffman, Eric N. | DO | Livonia, MI | 1457469330 |
Daniel Kulick Do, P.C. | Clinton Township, MI | 1316293673 |
Docs Pllc | Alpena, MI | 1649682196 |
Dynamic Healthcare Pllc | Sterling Heights, MI | 1740945872 |
Dynamic Management Group, Llc | Sterling Heights, MI | 1629730353 |
Ebert, Allan M | DO | Mount Morris, MI | 1558463372 |
Emerson, Paul Howard | DO | Taylor, MI | 1053458638 |
Evans, John Herbert | DO | Saginaw, MI | 1154509172 |
Farago, Peter | MD | Grosse Pointe, MI | 1942452552 |
Foster-Hartsfield, Joyce | DO | Memphis, MI | 1922105337 |
Fox, Michael L. | DO | Livonia, MI | 1558444711 |
Gammons, Timothy | DO | Sterling Heights, MI | 1730163023 |
Gilly, Philip Alain | MD | Westland, MI | 1609849868 |
Grace, Mira | MD | Pontiac, MI | 1659667293 |
Great Lakes Addiction Recovery Services Pllc | Adrian, MI | 1568084333 |
Greenberg, Eric Jacob | MD | Flint, MI | 1144562968 |
Gross, Barry J | DO | Fair Haven, MI | 1811952294 |
Gupta, Arun | MD | Monroe, MI | 1841225166 |
Harmony Turning Point Pllc | Southfield, MI | 1588979686 |
John Kitzmiller M.D. Pc | Lake Orion, MI | 1518393800 |
Kates, Thomas | DO | Marquette, MI | 1104276872 |
Kelly Otp Llc | Roseville, MI | 1265150767 |
Keshavjee, Yasmin | MD | Warren, MI | 1477920510 |
Kielhorn, Lorenz P | MD | Kalamazoo, MI | 1891816427 |
Kitzmiller, John W | MD | Lake Orion, MI | 1811988504 |
Leszkowitz, David | DO | White Lake, MI | 1972546299 |
Manteuffel, Jacob James | MD | Detroit, MI | 1952511073 |
Marsh, Douglas Lawrence | DO | Melvindale, MI | 1790745966 |
Matthewis, Kristianna Dominique | MD | Essexville, MI | 1235120023 |
Mcmorrow, Robert Patrick | DO | Houghton Lake, MI | 1093027013 |
Menestrina, Mark Allen | MD | Brighton, MI | 1265498059 |
Metro Family Clinics | Lincoln Park, MI | 1295140507 |
Metropolitan Rehabilitation Clinics, Inc. | Oak Park, MI | 1811020035 |
Mickelson, Ira | MD | Troy, MI | 1760576516 |
Moreno, Cicely | MD | Ypsilanti, MI | 1285171827 |
Morrone, William Ray | DO | Essexville, MI | 1174513766 |
My Visiting Physicians Pc | Southfield, MI | 1740512201 |
New Vision Wellness Center Llc | Canton, MI | 1639956972 |
Okezie Wachuku | Detroit, MI | 1285975227 |
Okumura, Michael T | MD | Augusta, MI | 1720006224 |
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