Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Addiction Medicine health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 1,748 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Addiction Medicine doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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- WV West Virginia (5)
- WI Wisconsin (34)
- WY Wyoming (2)
Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Buckeye Clinic | Columbus, OH | 1366992893 |
Buirkle, Emily | MD | Newark, NJ | 1891157368 |
Buitkus, Kastytis Leonas | MD | Oak Park, MI | 1881638625 |
Bukalo, Nermina | MD | Manchester, CT | 1659340651 |
Bulat, Elizabeth | MD | West Bloomfield, MI | 1033434253 |
Bullock, Milton L | MD | Minneapolis, MN | 1639116924 |
Bupdoc Llc | Colorado Springs, CO | 1679059687 |
Bur, Sarah | Chelsea, MI | 1063730190 |
Burdett, Maureen | MD | Rock Hill, SC | 1912954595 |
Buresh, Megan | MD | Baltimore, MD | 1710257290 |
Burken, Mitchell Ira | MD | Fredericksburg, VA | 1407402506 |
Butner, Jenna | MD | New Haven, CT | 1316258775 |
Byler, Julie | DO | Portland, OR | 1346760691 |
C&C Advocacy And Health Services, Inc. | Silver Spring, MD | 1508547431 |
Cabansag, Clifford Quinn | MD | Middletown, OH | 1003065905 |
Caine, Eugene Vincent | MD | Fontana, CA | 1730256694 |
Caldwell, Jay E | MD | Tucson, AZ | 1346519071 |
Caldwell, Juliet | MD | Hackensack, NJ | 1972690063 |
Cales, Richard H | MD | Louisville, KY | 1619932084 |
California Addiction Medical Group, Inc. | Whittier, CA | 1578914446 |
Calumet Counseling And Dui Services,Inc | Chicago, IL | 1184189672 |
Calvo Diaz, Andres E | MD | Bayamon, PR | 1295251148 |
Camelback Physicians Group Llc | Phoenix, AZ | 1962143255 |
Camenga, Deepa | MD | New Haven, CT | 1952318214 |
Campbell, John N | MD | Kentwood, MI | 1417901232 |
Campbell, Leopold G | MD | Roanoke, VA | 1962451765 |
Canavan, David | MD | Princeton, NJ | 1619051711 |
Cannon, Benjamin Chad | CPRS | Johnson City, TN | 1275205437 |
Cap Anesthesia, Pc | Brighton, MA | 1205228673 |
Care & Comfort Docs Clinics Pc | North Attleboro, MA | 1871078550 |
Care Center Rehabilitation And Pain Management | Encino, CA | 1215940606 |
Care Clinic For Drug Addiction & Mental Health In North Mississippi | Southaven, MS | 1659041663 |
Carlson, Mark Luther | MD | Springfield, MO | 1528192150 |
Carlton, Michael Warren | MD | Phoenix, AZ | 1548273055 |
Carnes, Timothy Dewitt | MD | Portland, ME | 1215917885 |
Cartagena, Rodolfo | MD | Appalachia, VA | 1720016389 |
Carter, Jamie | Durham, NC | 1255751467 |
Caruso, William Robert | MD | Duxbury, MA | 1487944914 |
Case Management And Counseling Services Of Kentucky, Llc | Lexington, KY | 1225576044 |
Casper, John B | MD | Boise, ID | 1275642191 |
Center For Healing & Rehabilitation In Substance Abuse Treatment | Erie, PA | 1760685432 |
Center For Recovery And Wellness | Danville, KY | 1427404037 |
Center For Recovery And Wellness | Mount Vernon, KY | 1063988228 |
Central Florida Recovery Centers, Inc | Orlando, FL | 1669625182 |
Changes | Detroit, MI | 1942618228 |
Chapman, Alfred B | DO | Clearwater, FL | 1730383993 |
Chapman, Edwin Charles | MD | Washington, DC | 1841303880 |
Chappell, Catherine | Pittsburgh, PA | 1144429200 |
Charles S Gilbert Jr | Chicago, IL | 1194824797 |
Charles W Plummer Md Pa | Lexington, NC | 1063467884 |
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