Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Addiction Medicine health care providers in North Carolina
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 1,924 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Addiction Medicine doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In North Carolina, there are about 115 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Addiction Medicine health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Addictioncare 101 | Wilmington, NC | 1447725098 |
Advene Health Group, Pllc | Charlotte, NC | 1073931119 |
Allied Behavioral Management, Inc. | Whiteville, NC | 1023340213 |
Amara Wellness Services, Inc | Charlotte, NC | 1063039253 |
Antonio M Bird Md Pa | Asheville, NC | 1528113925 |
Aronoff, Gerald Martin | MD | Charlotte, NC | 1144277930 |
Ascend Health Pllc | Pineville, NC | 1447715941 |
Ase Ltc Llc | Wilmington, NC | 1275387029 |
Baldassare, Donna | DO | Charlotte, NC | 1962662478 |
Ball, Stephen Joseph | LCAS-A | Winston Salem, NC | 1497389076 |
Basnight, Jean | DO | Havelock, NC | 1891783056 |
Bentsen, Birger Steven | MD | Wilmington, NC | 1366517153 |
Bierman, David | Cary, NC | 1144686924 |
Bird, Antonio Modesto | MD | Asheville, NC | 1114072519 |
Blake, Daniel | MD | Black Mountain, NC | 1962529099 |
Bradford, Daniel William | MD | Durham, NC | 1851350326 |
Bray, Kirsten Nicole | MD | Gastonia, NC | 1275521809 |
Broadhurst, Laurel Evans | MD | Black Mountain, NC | 1669590055 |
Brown, Donald E | Goldsboro, NC | 1073751327 |
Byrd, Lelan Clinton | MD | Hendersonville, NC | 1558510453 |
Carmen, Kevin Patrick | MD | Hickory, NC | 1558565358 |
Carolina Beach Counseling, Llc | Carolina Beach, NC | 1033557665 |
Carter Clinic, Pa | Hickory, NC | 1679079537 |
Cary Behavioral Health, Pc | Cary, NC | 1255484929 |
Cheevers, Tanya Rose | MD | Raleigh, NC | 1760690705 |
Clientfirst Of Nc, Llc | Goldsboro, NC | 1548582554 |
Cobos, Fernando Andres | MD | Winston Salem, NC | 1356383947 |
Crossroads Associates Llp | Pembroke, NC | 1942537568 |
Daymark Recovery Services Inc | Wadesboro, NC | 1518109271 |
Dill, Gregory Oran | MD | Asheville, NC | 1437162096 |
Drosnes, Dean L | MD | Raleigh, NC | 1821327420 |
Dubose, John Wylder | MD | Mount Holly, NC | 1104056498 |
Eleanor Health Professional Nc, Pllc | Mooresville, NC | 1891349155 |
Eleanor Health Professional Nc, Pllc | Durham, NC | 1639718406 |
Embassy Health Network | Raeford, NC | 1730694746 |
Evans, Taylor Dawn | PA | Hickory, NC | 1033887823 |
Faith Medical Center P.C. | Charlotte, NC | 1992947766 |
Fernando, Jay Grayson | MD | Charlotte, NC | 1750337325 |
Fernando, Lionel Gregory | MD | Wilmington, NC | 1013083146 |
Focused Addiction Recovery Llc | Wallace, NC | 1053052134 |
Foluke, A Kwasi | MD | New Bern, NC | 1437124799 |
Gate City Integrative Medical Clinic, Pllc | Greensboro, NC | 1164071262 |
Gilpin, Allen Bruce | MD | Asheville, NC | 1558335729 |
Gonzalez, Lucien | MD | Chapel Hill, NC | 1295900629 |
Griffin, Gail M | MD | Charlotte, NC | 1073515748 |
Haq, Muhammad Wasi | MD | Fayetteville, NC | 1447357991 |
Heal On Wheels Of Nc, Pllc | Gates, NC | 1316676380 |
Hillsman, Philip L | MD | Raleigh, NC | 1164535050 |
Hoffert, Marvin J | MD | Raleigh, NC | 1548373525 |
Hoffman, Judith Louise | DO | Asheville, NC | 1578597365 |
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