Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Cardiovascular Disease health care providers in New Jersey
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 45,996 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Cardiovascular Disease doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In New Jersey, there are about 1,828 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Cardiovascular Disease health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
247 Heart & Vascular Management, Inc. | Princeton, NJ | 1295015147 |
247 Heart And Vascular Care Pc | Kendall Park, NJ | 1861873242 |
247 Heart And Vascular Specialists Pc | Princeton, NJ | 1578797981 |
3 Dimension Diagnostic Solutions | Jersey City, NJ | 1760704688 |
Aaron, Michael R | DO | Neptune, NJ | 1336129071 |
Abbate, Kariann | MD | Ridgewood, NJ | 1548429582 |
Abed, Mary T | MD | Jersey City, NJ | 1134185432 |
Absecon Island Cardiology, Llc | Absecon, NJ | 1154768315 |
Abtahian, Abraham Abtahi | MD | Northfield, NJ | 1972798643 |
Access Medicine Nj | Newark, NJ | 1457670739 |
Acd Health Of Nj Pa | Edison, NJ | 1457084121 |
Adibi, Baback | MD | Teaneck, NJ | 1164491346 |
Admani, Irfan | Edgewater, NJ | 1043228588 |
Advanced Cardiac Care, Llc | Jersey City, NJ | 1639324940 |
Advanced Cardiology Of South Jersey | Mullica Hill, NJ | 1083894885 |
Advanced Cardiology, Llc | Cedar Knolls, NJ | 1295871796 |
Advanced Cardiovascular Care | Wayne, NJ | 1457557720 |
Advanced Cardiovascular Care Of Hudson Valley | Northvale, NJ | 1063716132 |
Advanced Cardiovascular Interventions, Pa | Hackensack, NJ | 1134433121 |
Advanced Cardiovascular Medicine, Llc | Edison, NJ | 1699789917 |
Advanced Garden State Cardiology Llc | Jersey City, NJ | 1639481583 |
Advanced Heart And Vascular Institute Of Hunterdon | Flemington, NJ | 1255884417 |
Advanced Heart And Vascular Of Central Jersey | Colts Neck, NJ | 1588277503 |
Advanced Medical & Cosmetic Center Llc | Glen Rock, NJ | 1760946974 |
Advanced Medical Specialist Of North Jersey Pa | Wayne, NJ | 1811222516 |
Advanced Ortho & Pain Center Inc | Jersey City, NJ | 1174260731 |
Advanced Women Imaging Professional Association | West New York, NJ | 1598240285 |
Advocare, Llc | Berlin, NJ | 1649562042 |
Advocare, Llc | Voorhees, NJ | 1518394881 |
Advocare, Llc | Berlin, NJ | 1184025538 |
Agarwal Health Center, Llc | East Orange, NJ | 1316160799 |
Agarwal, Ashish M | MD | Robbinsville, NJ | 1821174483 |
Agarwal, Ashoke | MD | Paterson, NJ | 1780649608 |
Agarwal, Jai B | MD | Somerset, NJ | 1851477475 |
Agarwal, Shashi K | MD | East Orange, NJ | 1558416099 |
Agile Urgent Care Llc | Secaucus, NJ | 1518732999 |
Agile Urgent Care Llc | Secaucus, NJ | 1578264453 |
Agunbiade, Tolulope Adesiyun | MD | Cherry Hill, NJ | 1003115387 |
Ahearn, Vanessa | PA | Belleville, NJ | 1962054551 |
Ahmad, Ahsanuddin | Jersey City, NJ | 1962529388 |
Ahmad, Ali | MD | Fair Lawn, NJ | 1336425057 |
Ahmad, Mehmood Riaz | MD | Mountain Lakes, NJ | 1730178203 |
Ahmed, Shaikh Sultan | MD | Tenafly, NJ | 1750316287 |
Ahmed, Sujood | MD | Pleasantville, NJ | 1932120615 |
Ahn, Joe K | MD | Bridgewater, NJ | 1750557310 |
Aji, Janah | MD | Voorhees, NJ | 1629164918 |
Akula, Devender N | MD | Egg Harbor Township, NJ | 1285613133 |
Al-Bezem, Rim | MD | Columbus, NJ | 1629076625 |
Alberto G. Estrada, Md, Pa | Phillipsburg, NJ | 1871703223 |
Alcorta, Carlos E | MD | North Bergen, NJ | 1407843907 |
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