Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / General Practice health care providers in New Hampshire
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 37,365 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / General Practice doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In New Hampshire, there are about 66 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / General Practice health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital | Lebanon, NH | 1295805950 |
Androscoggin Valley Hospital Inc | Berlin, NH | 1679526644 |
Becket Academy, Inc. | Hanover, NH | 1336614478 |
Belonging Medical Group Pllc | Hanover, NH | 1912482787 |
Bethany Health Services | West Lebanon, NH | 1780208686 |
Blake, Loren | Londonderry, NH | 1164835229 |
Brill, Lessa Ann | MD | Durham, NH | 1245380500 |
Burton, Jason Christopher | MD | Lebanon, NH | 1912584954 |
Capital Region Physician Group | Concord, NH | 1992870646 |
Capital Region Physicians Group | Concord, NH | 1003835216 |
Cappetta, Charles Thomas | MD | Nashua, NH | 1730193897 |
Careconnectmd New Hampshire Pc | Concord, NH | 1942981485 |
Cathedral Ledge Aesthetics And Wellness | North Conway, NH | 1083487599 |
Claudia Trombly, Md, Pllc | Salem, NH | 1104037134 |
Collins, Gerald | MD | Durham, NH | 1689724957 |
Collison, Daniel Wolfe | MD | Hanover, NH | 1235102922 |
Concord Hospital, Inc. | Concord, NH | 1801840764 |
County Of Grafton | North Haverhill, NH | 1053319517 |
County Of Merrimack | Boscawen, NH | 1134125040 |
County Of Rockingham | Brentwood, NH | 1972629582 |
County Of Strafford | Dover, NH | 1134116981 |
Crespi, Denrick Leo | DO | Bedford, NH | 1811906027 |
Dehart, Dillard Lovell | DO | Woodsville, NH | 1336331214 |
Denrick L Crespi D O P C | Bedford, NH | 1932351699 |
Evernorth Care Providers - Delaware Pa | Manchester, NH | 1891559894 |
Harbor Homes, Inc. | Nashua, NH | 1699705079 |
Hawkins, Angela M | PA | Littleton, NH | 1538141007 |
Howell, John A | MD | Whitefield, NH | 1063548105 |
Hubbell, Franklin Rutledge | DO | Conway, NH | 1548372758 |
Indian Stream Health Center, Inc | Colebrook, NH | 1386673952 |
Integrated Wound Care New Hampshire Pllc | Portsmouth, NH | 1033983127 |
Jacobs, Lisa Ann | MD | Fitzwilliam, NH | 1225351042 |
Kandil, Abdullah | MD | Lebanon, NH | 1922397082 |
Kateby Kashy, Babak | MD | Manchester, NH | 1609215458 |
Lackovic, Michelle Frances | MD | Charlestown, NH | 1114169125 |
Landmark Medical Of New Hampshire Pc | Nashua, NH | 1316555634 |
Lazos, Vasilios P | DO | Manchester, NH | 1285613521 |
Leblanc, Mederic W | MD | Lancaster, NH | 1689751935 |
Lienert, Joseph John | MD | Manchester, NH | 1144200213 |
Littleton Hospital Association | Littleton, NH | 1194059055 |
Lunardi, Patricia L | FNP | Winchester, NH | 1639763709 |
Macgregor, John Morrison | DVM | Durham, NH | 1053651695 |
Martins, Maria Luiza | MD | New London, NH | 1952339251 |
Mosenthal Spine And Wellness Llc | Plymouth, NH | 1689318420 |
Motivated Health Choices, Pllc | Exeter, NH | 1750865093 |
Munn, C S | M.D., FACR | Nashua, NH | 1700983467 |
Murakami, Noboru | MD | Franklin, NH | 1881659027 |
New Hampshire Regenerative Center Llc | Manchester, NH | 1346724465 |
Pace, Sarah Anne | MD | Exeter, NH | 1811218704 |
Parsley Medical Group Fl Pa | Portsmouth, NH | 1689431058 |
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