Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Neurology health care providers in New Jersey
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 30,945 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Neurology doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In New Jersey, there are about 839 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Neurology health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
A.B.K. Neurological Associates, Pa | Jersey City, NJ | 1962626325 |
Abc Neurology Llc | Manalapan, NJ | 1184889651 |
Abidi, S Manzoor | MD | Maple Shade, NJ | 1508816729 |
Abrams, Russell I | MD | Cherry Hill, NJ | 1114956505 |
Abu-Hadid, Osama Mahmoud | MD | Paramus, NJ | 1760916753 |
Advance Ankle, Foot And Pain | Clifton, NJ | 1467736207 |
Advance Neuro | Toms River, NJ | 1407157803 |
Advanced Neurologic Care Associates, Pc | Voorhees, NJ | 1639194277 |
Advanced Neurology Center Llc | Bridgewater, NJ | 1760490148 |
Advanced Neuromed Llc | Teaneck, NJ | 1447878277 |
Advanced Spine And Pain Llc | Hammonton, NJ | 1730359084 |
Advanced Spine And Pain Llc | Toms River, NJ | 1780157222 |
Advanced Spine And Pain, Llc | Cherry Hill, NJ | 1407002124 |
Advanced Spine And Pain, Llc | Hamilton, NJ | 1548639339 |
Advanced Spine And Pain, Llc | Sicklerville, NJ | 1699154443 |
Advanced Spine And Pain, Llc | Hammonton, NJ | 1780063537 |
Advanced Spine And Pain, Llc | Linwood, NJ | 1154700904 |
Advanced Spine And Pain, Llc | Neptune, NJ | 1275046724 |
Advanced Spine And Pain, Llc | Woodbury, NJ | 1902358914 |
Advocare , Llc | Morristown, NJ | 1699095117 |
Advocare Llc | Denville, NJ | 1033898549 |
Advocare, Llc | Lumberton, NJ | 1417189531 |
Affiliated Neurology A Professional Corporation | Morganville, NJ | 1215225529 |
Agarwal, Shashank | MD | Livingston, NJ | 1255885554 |
Ah Medical Pc | Union City, NJ | 1083120570 |
Ahad, Antwan | MD | Secaucus, NJ | 1083729917 |
Ahmed, Aisha Ibrahim | MD | Hammonton, NJ | 1639244833 |
Ahmed, Jaffer | Somerset, NJ | 1942741384 |
Aiken, Robert Dennis | MD | Summit, NJ | 1851372981 |
Alexander M. Pendino, Do, Pc | Hamilton, NJ | 1053572834 |
Alexeeva, Aissa | MD | Lawrenceville, NJ | 1093799876 |
Alexianu, Maria E | MD | Hackensack, NJ | 1235109059 |
Ali, Mohsin | MD | Plainfield, NJ | 1871561506 |
Ali, Nasar | DO | Atlantic City, NJ | 1750814786 |
Alias, Mathew N | DO | Morristown, NJ | 1508027574 |
Alkawi, Ammar | MD | Newark, NJ | 1376741553 |
Allen Silverstein Md Pa | Ridgewood, NJ | 1336324789 |
Allumbaugh, Curtis Brandon | MD | Mullica Hill, NJ | 1215295118 |
Alpha One Physical Therapy Pc | Jersey City, NJ | 1114472461 |
Alpine Medical Associates Llc | Jersey City, NJ | 1750612891 |
Altschul, Dorothea | MD | Ridgewood, NJ | 1740323138 |
Alvarez Prieto, Maria R | MD | Newark, NJ | 1477754893 |
Alweiss, Gary S | MD | Englewood, NJ | 1609838986 |
Amor Mehta Md - Neurology Center For Epilepsy And Seizures, Llc | Marlboro, NJ | 1174006233 |
Anayiotos, Chris P | MD | W Long Branch, NJ | 1700842101 |
Angela Adams, Md, Llc | River Edge, NJ | 1447440615 |
Anselmi, Gregory Dominick | MD | Bayonne, NJ | 1477697761 |
Antony, Arun Raj | MD | Neptune, NJ | 1386899235 |
Antwan Ahad Pc | Secaucus, NJ | 1316281926 |
Anzelmi, Frank | Voorhees, NJ | 1851824387 |
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