Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
- Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology
Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology health care providers
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 3,328 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
Credentials |
City / State |
Umfleet, Jason |
MD |
Grand Rapids, MI |
1114993474 |
Ummat, Monika |
MD |
Houston, TX |
1184930018 |
University Medical Associates |
Charleston, SC |
1770736621 |
University Of Louisville Physicians, Inc. |
Louisville, KY |
1891061438 |
University Of Louisville Physicians, Inc. |
Louisville, KY |
1972860997 |
University Of Louisville Research Foundation |
Louisville, KY |
1043641483 |
University Of Louisville Research Foundation Inc |
Louisville, KY |
1023096690 |
University Of Louisville Research Foundation Inc |
Louisville, KY |
1992127971 |
University Of Nv School Of Medicine Multi Specialty Group Practice So |
Las Vegas, NV |
1588797146 |
University Of Penn Psychiatry |
Philadelphia, PA |
1487667978 |
University Of Penn-Medical Group |
Philadelphia, PA |
1821486846 |
University Of Penn-Neurology Assts. |
Philadelphia, PA |
1346359510 |
University Of Texas Rio Grande Valley |
Harlingen, TX |
1477960730 |
University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center At Dallas |
Dallas, TX |
1750351375 |
University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center At Dallas |
Plano, TX |
1598789984 |
University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center At Dallas |
Denton, TX |
1770894396 |
University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center At Dallas |
Dallas, TX |
1053832253 |
University Of Utah Pediatric Services |
Idaho Falls, ID |
1669918769 |
University Physician Associates Of New Jersey Inc |
Newark, NJ |
1902816507 |
Unwalla, Daanish |
San Diego, CA |
1164001772 |
Upa Np Llc |
Newark, NJ |
1952502403 |
Upa Pllc Neurology |
Jackson, MS |
1609929470 |
Upmc Western Maryland Corporation |
Cumberland, MD |
1780251850 |
Urion, David K |
MD |
Boston, MA |
1497778195 |
Usa Health Physician Billing Services |
Mobile, AL |
1669226361 |
Ut Lebonheur Pediatric Specialists, Inc. |
Memphis, TN |
1093024101 |
Vaidya, Rohan |
DO |
Orlando, FL |
1053840967 |
Vaidyanathan, Vaishnavi Lakshmi |
MD |
Pittsburgh, PA |
1659878148 |
Valdez, Marcos J. |
MD |
Corpus Christi, TX |
1104800200 |
Valencia, Ignacio |
MD |
Camden, NJ |
1831203421 |
Valentine, Vinod |
MD |
St Petersburg, FL |
1154740520 |
Van Haren, Keith Patrick |
MD |
Palo Alto, CA |
1174659841 |
Van Orman, Colin B. |
Salt Lake City, UT |
1225117898 |
Van Poppel, Katherine Cyran |
MD |
Concord, NC |
1194925396 |
Vanderver, Adeline |
MD |
Philadelphia, PA |
1578640827 |
Vanuitert, Robert Legrande |
North Adams, MA |
1801945373 |
Vanzant, Jordan Seth |
MD |
San Antonio, TX |
1235627357 |
Varan, Laura Lavinia |
MD |
Iowa City, IA |
1619612694 |
Vargas Collado, Lines Marie |
MD |
Kansas City, MO |
1821321076 |
Vargas Lowy, David |
MD |
Manchester, NH |
1376805317 |
Vargas, Wendy Sulina |
MD |
New York, NY |
1154581874 |
Varghese, Shaun Sam |
MD |
Shenandoah, TX |
1669720926 |
Varghese, Sonia Ann |
MD |
Wilmington, NC |
1336674357 |
Varnado, Shelley |
MD |
Houston, TX |
1558717959 |
Varughese, Natasha Anne |
MD |
San Antonio, TX |
1801392949 |
Vasconcellos, Elza N |
MD |
Miami, FL |
1427143619 |
Vasquez Avila, Alejandra Catalina |
MD |
Rochester, MN |
1003378902 |
Vasudeva Reddy Boosupalli Md Pa |
Webster, TX |
1902907512 |
Vawter-Lee, Marissa |
MD |
Cincinnati, OH |
1144546300 |
Vazirian, Samra |
MD |
Torrance, CA |
1346669389 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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