Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology health care providers in Florida
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 37,146 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Florida, there are about 2,786 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aker, Jonathan Edward | MD | Boca Raton, FL | 1093275927 |
Al-Khersan, Hasenin | MD | Miami, FL | 1245761972 |
Al-Sadah, Zakeya Mohammed | MD | Miami, FL | 1205286218 |
Alabata Eye Center Llc | Crestview, FL | 1275047128 |
Alabata, Phil | DO | Crestview, FL | 1770547077 |
Alabiad, Chris Raif | MD | Miami, FL | 1730398942 |
Alan J Knapp Md Pa | Englewood, FL | 1689853376 |
Alan L Mitchell Md Pa | Boca Raton, FL | 1053593194 |
Alan M Silbert Md Pa | Miami, FL | 1881877660 |
Alawa, Karam Alrahman | MD | Miami, FL | 1184121360 |
Albayyat, Ghada Jamel Abaq | MD | Miami, FL | 1861042467 |
Albert, William C. | MD | Plantation, FL | 1205827540 |
Albini, Thomas | MD | Miami, FL | 1831106079 |
Aldred, William V | MD | Pensacola, FL | 1871576553 |
Alegret, Armando M | MD | Miami, FL | 1477659654 |
Alejandra Piniella Md Pa | Miami, FL | 1396869541 |
Alejandro Espaillat Md Pllc | West Palm Beach, FL | 1114483161 |
Alexander Katz, Md, Pa | Port St Lucie, FL | 1700202918 |
Alexander Spratt Md Pa | Hollywood, FL | 1255885331 |
Alexandra Kostick Md Pa | Palm Coast, FL | 1700039161 |
Alfonso, Eduardo | MD | Miami, FL | 1417990631 |
Alhumaid, Sulaiman | MD | North Miami Beach, FL | 1235672585 |
Alina Stanciu | Bonita Springs, FL | 1780891986 |
Alkirwi, Khalid Yusuf Yaseen | Palm Beach Gardens, FL | 1437866183 |
Allan Rubin Do Pa | Hollywood, FL | 1043490584 |
Allarakhia, Liaquat | MD | Bradenton, FL | 1063471282 |
Allay Health Services Llc | Boca Raton, FL | 1841884954 |
Allen, Quentin B | MD | Stuart, FL | 1164483301 |
Allen, Vivian Joann | MD | Jacksonville, FL | 1659484889 |
Allison V Menezes Md Pllc | Bradenton, FL | 1649475278 |
Alonso, Ricardo | MD | Orlando, FL | 1306836101 |
Altenburg, John F | MD | Tampa, FL | 1215120100 |
Alvarez, Henry | MD | South Miami, FL | 1932111002 |
Alvarez, Julibeth M | MD | Tamarac, FL | 1891066973 |
Alvarez, Karen | DO | Hollywood, FL | 1689800344 |
Alvarez, Orlando M | MD | Jensen Beach, FL | 1790783124 |
Alvarez, Verielen | ARNP | Homestead, FL | 1730714874 |
Amdur, Joseph | MD | Gainesville, FL | 1396957916 |
Ames, Philip Lodge | MD | Bradenton, FL | 1295116242 |
Amin, Sarina Mahesh | MD | Orlando, FL | 1073950119 |
Amit Chokshi Md Pa | Jacksonville, FL | 1851579924 |
Amit Chokshi Md Pa | Jacksonville, FL | 1114201381 |
Anagnoste, Scott R | MD | Ft Lauderdale, FL | 1487652566 |
Anagnostopoulos, Apostolos | MD | Miami, FL | 1750878153 |
Anderson Brannan Consultants, Pl | Sarasota, FL | 1871870444 |
Anderson, Douglas R | MD | Miami, FL | 1417990029 |
Anderson, Warren | MD | Pensacola, FL | 1922088301 |
Andre J Golino Md And Associates Pa | West Palm Beach, FL | 1730150715 |
Andrea L Lusk Md Llc | Port Richey, FL | 1942478045 |
Andrea N Hass Md Pa | Palm Beach Gardens, FL | 1669743407 |
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