Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology health care providers in Texas
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 37,146 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Texas, there are about 2,480 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
1960 Eye Surgeons, P.A. | Houston, TX | 1295817609 |
3 C Vision Specialists | San Antonio, TX | 1417308149 |
Aaker, Justin David | MD | Georgetown, TX | 1144422908 |
Aaleya Koreishi Md Pa | Arlington, TX | 1649521873 |
Aaron Christopher Hager | San Antonio, TX | 1972378941 |
Abbas, Asad | MD | Baytown, TX | 1457354813 |
Abbey, Ashkan Michael | MD | Dallas, TX | 1548402886 |
Abbott, Meredith Allen | MD | Dallas, TX | 1659570943 |
Abdelaziz, Musa R | MD | Southlake, TX | 1588906465 |
Abdelghani, Wael | MD | The Woodlands, TX | 1508837915 |
Abdul-Rahim, Aziz Samir | MD | Fort Worth, TX | 1881690279 |
Abedin, Saeid | MD | Houston, TX | 1265470819 |
Abernethy, Joan L | MD | Fort Worth, TX | 1871590471 |
Abiad, Mohamad Bachir | Dallas, TX | 1831542828 |
Abikoye, Temiloluwa Moyosoreoluwa | MD | Lubbock, TX | 1275034720 |
Abilene Premier Eye Care, Pllc | Abilene, TX | 1669814919 |
Abrams, David B | MD | San Antonio, TX | 1881654341 |
Abramson, Aubry | MD | Dallas, TX | 1992865190 |
Abramson, Edra Simone | MD | Dallas, TX | 1255471918 |
Achim, Catherine | MD | Houston, TX | 1114215738 |
Ackerman, Israel | MD | Dallas, TX | 1619402260 |
Acosta, Sharron Katherine | MD | Seguin, TX | 1467465849 |
Adam R. Miller, M.D., P.A. | Dallas, TX | 1386010122 |
Adams, Cedric Cordell | MD | Dallas, TX | 1285727099 |
Adams, Louis W. | MD | Temple, TX | 1457310013 |
Adams, Matthew Kenneth | MD | Plano, TX | 1124361076 |
Adebayo, Aishat | MD | Galveston, TX | 1457795460 |
Adesina, Ore-Ofeoluwatomi Oluwaseun | MD | Houston, TX | 1356501522 |
Adhi, Mehreen Idrees | MD | Galveston, TX | 1316333974 |
Advanced Eyelid Surgery Center & Laser Center | Colleyville, TX | 1285819474 |
Advanced Glaucoma Diagnostic And Treatment Center, P.A. | Fort Worth, TX | 1518993658 |
Advanced Laser Vision & Surgical Institute | Houston, TX | 1437254976 |
Agarwal, Mamta | San Antonio, TX | 1689451353 |
Agarwal, Sanjay | MD | Corpus Christi, TX | 1871575688 |
Aggarwal, Nalini K | MD | Dallas, TX | 1861461303 |
Agomo, Emelike Uchechi | MD | Houston, TX | 1659575249 |
Agrawal, Megha | MD | Lewisville, TX | 1922365576 |
Aguirre, Gilberto | MD | San Antonio, TX | 1437154168 |
Ahmad, Syed Mehdi | MD | Plano, TX | 1700950383 |
Ahmed, Masih | MD | Houston, TX | 1114345725 |
Ahmed, Rehan | MD | Bellaire, TX | 1033348180 |
Ahmed, Yasir | MD | Houston, TX | 1982968319 |
Ahuero, Audrey Elizabeth | MD | Houston, TX | 1942360516 |
Aj Cottingham Jr Md ,Pllc | San Antonio, TX | 1922300425 |
Akins, Charles W | MD | Bryan, TX | 1780604322 |
Akinwale, Abumere Folashade | MD | San Antonio, TX | 1083871818 |
Akor, Charlotte M | MD | Corpus Christi, TX | 1457314387 |
Al-Mohtaseb, Zaina Nabil | MD | Houston, TX | 1659506822 |
Al-Shweiki, Sameer Awni | MD | Mcallen, TX | 1508275835 |
Alamo City Eye Physicians, Pa | Live Oak, TX | 1952407322 |
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