Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology health care providers in South Carolina
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 37,146 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In South Carolina, there are about 508 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Ophthalmology health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Piedmont Retina Assoc., P.A. | Greenville, SC | 1841480399 |
Piehota, Phelan Giles | DO | Ladson, SC | 1548534381 |
Platt, Lucas Oliver | DO | Columbia, SC | 1053385062 |
Ply, Jonathan J | MD | Murrells Inlet, SC | 1013976240 |
Pogrebniak, Alexander E | MD | Columbia, SC | 1124039656 |
Poole, Zachary Barton | MD | Clover, SC | 1790246585 |
Pophal, Charles | MD | Charleston, SC | 1003435504 |
Potter, Stephen Myles | MD | Aiken, SC | 1982043626 |
Pressly, James Patterson | MD | Greenville, SC | 1790775252 |
Price, William David | MD | Goose Creek, SC | 1508829888 |
Prinzi, Robert Allan | MD | Little River, SC | 1508131954 |
Prisma Health Medical Group-Midlands | Columbia, SC | 1275988321 |
Prisma Health Medical Group-Midlands | Columbia, SC | 1588389456 |
Prisma Health Medical Group-Midlands | Columbia, SC | 1568959872 |
Prisma Health Medical-Group-Midlands | West Columbia, SC | 1669969978 |
Proctor, Charles Medlock | MD | Charleston, SC | 1740418359 |
Professional Optical | Charleston, SC | 1134309263 |
Providence Physician Practices Llc | Kershaw, SC | 1659921740 |
Rajani, Anand Prem | DO | Rock Hill, SC | 1790097681 |
Reardon, Wade Alex | MD | Greenville, SC | 1205122975 |
Remigio, David J | MD | Bluffton, SC | 1134201403 |
Renfro, John F | MD | Greenville, SC | 1215911607 |
Retina Consultants Of Carolina, Pa | Greenville, SC | 1194708719 |
Retina Institute Of The Carolinas | Rock Hill, SC | 1861433013 |
Reuther, Robert G | MD | Summerville, SC | 1093738718 |
Rhodes, Ryan Scott | MD | Orangeburg, SC | 1013531045 |
Richards, Jeffrey Kendal | MD | Charleston, SC | 1235146903 |
Riddle, Harvard Keith | MD | Clinton, SC | 1134155955 |
Rider, Alex Jamison | MD | Charleston, SC | 1932660958 |
Ridgeland Eye Associates Llc | Ridgeland, SC | 1518143221 |
Riley, Shawn F | MD | Myrtle Beach, SC | 1003873894 |
Robert E Livingston Iii Md Llc | Newberry, SC | 1477749638 |
Robinson, Mark E | MD | Columbia, SC | 1891966115 |
Rocha, Karolinne Maia | MD | Charleston, SC | 1699098053 |
Rock Hill Eye Clinic | Fort Mill, SC | 1316246499 |
Rock Hill Eye Clinic, P.A. | Rock Hill, SC | 1003873308 |
Roel, Lawrence E | MD | Spartanburg, SC | 1467419655 |
Ross, Mark J | MD | Florence, SC | 1508869090 |
Royal, Gail M. | MD | Myrtle Beach, SC | 1851310783 |
Rynne, Michael Vaughan | MD | Murrells Inlet, SC | 1902830268 |
Samiy, Nasrollah | MD | Rock Hill, SC | 1730159401 |
Sandoz, George M. | MD | Conway, SC | 1013975010 |
Saunders, Richard A | MD | Charleston, SC | 1356353817 |
Say, Emil Anthony T | MD | Charleston, SC | 1659685063 |
Scarlett, Leslie Chardkoff | MD | N Charleston, SC | 1871676684 |
Schindler, Reinhardt Hans | MD | Myrtle Beach, SC | 1245493212 |
Schultz, Scott Keith | MD | Hilton Head Island, SC | 1841458056 |
Sea Island Ophthalmology | Beaufort, SC | 1700943743 |
Sea Island Ophthalmology | Beaufort, SC | 1578655825 |
Seltzer, Samuel Eric | MD | Florence, SC | 1053379107 |
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