Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Pain Medicine health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 12,939 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Pain Medicine doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
- AL Alabama (179)
- AK Alaska (39)
- AZ Arizona (355)
- AR Arkansas (97)
- CA California (1478)
- CO Colorado (185)
- CT Connecticut (108)
- DE Delaware (49)
- DC District of Columbia (13)
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- IN Indiana (274)
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- MD Maryland (296)
- MA Massachusetts (256)
- MI Michigan (261)
- MN Minnesota (91)
- MS Mississippi (90)
- MO Missouri (209)
- MT Montana (25)
- NE Nebraska (66)
- NV Nevada (158)
- NH New Hampshire (63)
- NJ New Jersey (533)
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- NY New York (754)
- NC North Carolina (429)
- ND North Dakota (15)
- OH Ohio (519)
- OK Oklahoma (117)
- OR Oregon (95)
- PA Pennsylvania (564)
- PR Puerto Rico (52)
- RI Rhode Island (14)
- SC South Carolina (270)
- SD South Dakota (23)
- TN Tennessee (213)
- TX Texas (1303)
- UT Utah (100)
- VT Vermont (21)
- VI Virgin Islands (1)
- VA Virginia (306)
- WA Washington (211)
- WV West Virginia (45)
- WI Wisconsin (241)
- WY Wyoming (16)
Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
American Anesthesiology Of North Carolina, Pllc | Raleigh, NC | 1609082718 |
American Anesthesiology Of North Carolina, Pllc | Monroe, NC | 1174817993 |
American Anesthesiology Of South Carolina, Llc | Florence, SC | 1710915715 |
American Anesthesiology Of Virginia Pc | Falls Church, VA | 1417994872 |
American Pain & Wellness Pa | Allen, TX | 1306857305 |
American Pain & Wellness Pa | Colleyville, TX | 1376205864 |
American Pain And Wellness Centers Llc | Chevy Chase, MD | 1366175887 |
American Pain Institute Llc | Portsmouth, NH | 1437597697 |
American Pain Institute, Inc | Louisville, KY | 1205189446 |
American Physicians Group, Pllc | Houston, TX | 1619417888 |
American Spine Center Llc | Frederick, MD | 1376876763 |
American Sports And Spine Institute, L.L.C. | Germantown, MD | 1508237652 |
American Well Care, Inc. | Tampa, FL | 1053647545 |
Ames, Scott Edward | MD | Tulsa, OK | 1497747042 |
Amhan, Muhamad Emad | M.D./P.A. | Sherman, TX | 1952354938 |
Amin, Neel Harish | MD | Fort Lauderdale, FL | 1801919410 |
Amin, Shawn Suchet | DO | Lakeland, FL | 1790105583 |
Aminian, Danamarie E. | MD | Delaware, OH | 1407007818 |
Amireh, Rasheed | MD | Fresno, CA | 1023040748 |
Amity Clinic Llc | Sunrise, FL | 1285907329 |
Amnestic, Llc | Austell, GA | 1407116056 |
Amoskeag Anesthesia, Pllc | Manchester, NH | 1104883511 |
Amponsah, Akwasi Peprah | MD | Newark, NJ | 1750645982 |
Amr M. Zidan, M.D., P.A. | Carrollton, TX | 1013175728 |
Amr, Khaled L | MD | Columbus, OH | 1477533859 |
Amsbaugh, Ashley Kay | MD | Houston, TX | 1558637355 |
Amune, Evans Ehin | MD | Orlando, FL | 1811983620 |
An Anesthesia And Pain Management Medical Corporation | Benicia, CA | 1376596650 |
An Anesthesia And Pain Management Medical Corporation | Walnut Creek, CA | 1811347602 |
Ana Chu, Md A Professional Corporation | Laguna Hills, CA | 1952509440 |
Ana Pain Management Pc | Clinton Township, MI | 1831491851 |
Anand, Abhay J. | MD | Newark, OH | 1083634927 |
Anand, Arun | MD | Benicia, CA | 1578521050 |
Anand, Neelesh Kumar | MD | Peoria, AZ | 1407295900 |
Anand, Rahul Singh | MD | Fairfield, CT | 1295793271 |
Anandi, Prathima | MD | Shreveport, LA | 1750842290 |
Anastacio Saavedra Md Sc | Chicago, IL | 1891011839 |
Ancha, Snigdha | MD | Cleveland, OH | 1851679351 |
Anchor Eruption Enterprises Llc | Anchorage, AK | 1700343514 |
Anderson, Charles Edward | MD | Palm Springs, CA | 1386646347 |
Anderson, Christine M | MD | Houston, TX | 1265575260 |
Anderson, Christopher Lee | MD | Elizabethtown, KY | 1992159040 |
Anderson, Cordel A | MD | Missoula, MT | 1164710430 |
Anderson, Corrie | Seattle, WA | 1609957950 |
Anderson, Craig Douglas | MD | Salem, OR | 1629014824 |
Anderson, David Michael | MD | Louisville, KY | 1962661488 |
Anderson, Douglas Henry | MD | Ann Arbor, MI | 1538395579 |
Anderson, George Edward | MD | Farmville, VA | 1851325708 |
Anderson, Jared Dean | MD | College Station, TX | 1154583367 |
Anderson, Jay A. | DDS | Chapel Hill, NC | 1427017730 |
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