Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Pediatric Pathology health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 522 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Pediatric Pathology doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
- AL Alabama (5)
- AZ Arizona (11)
- AR Arkansas (4)
- CA California (63)
- CO Colorado (17)
- CT Connecticut (1)
- DE Delaware (5)
- DC District of Columbia (3)
- FL Florida (28)
- GA Georgia (16)
- HI Hawaii (1)
- IL Illinois (12)
- IN Indiana (8)
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- LA Louisiana (3)
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- MD Maryland (8)
- MA Massachusetts (14)
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- MO Missouri (16)
- MT Montana (2)
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- NV Nevada (3)
- NH New Hampshire (1)
- NJ New Jersey (11)
- NY New York (22)
- NC North Carolina (10)
- OH Ohio (74)
- OK Oklahoma (3)
- PA Pennsylvania (24)
- PR Puerto Rico (4)
- RI Rhode Island (4)
- SC South Carolina (5)
- TN Tennessee (11)
- TX Texas (47)
- UT Utah (15)
- VT Vermont (1)
- VA Virginia (12)
- WA Washington (10)
- WI Wisconsin (19)
Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Tatevian, Nina | MD | Providence, RI | 1154377000 |
Texas Childrens Hospital | Houston, TX | 1487600334 |
Texas Childrens Hospital | The Woodlands, TX | 1427595313 |
Thaker, Ameet Indravadan | MD | Atlanta, GA | 1265798425 |
The Board Of Trustees Of The University Of Illinois | Chicago, IL | 1386863819 |
The Children'S Hospital Of Alabama | Birmingham, AL | 1619980109 |
The Emory Clinic Pediatric Providers | Decatur, GA | 1720285653 |
Thomas, William G | MD | Gainesville, GA | 1861506065 |
Thompson, Karen S | MD | Honolulu, HI | 1083799670 |
Thompson, Matthew Pierce | DO | Louisville, KY | 1568662583 |
Thorne, Willes M | MD | Orem, UT | 1851514855 |
Timmons, Charles Franklin | MD | Dallas, TX | 1932178399 |
Toland, Angus | MD | Aurora, CO | 1215424940 |
Tovar, Jason Paul | MD | Sacramento, CA | 1073706545 |
Tran, Hanh Henry Huy Joseph | MD | Oklahoma City, OK | 1679868251 |
Treece, Amanda Lauren | Birmingham, AL | 1598907974 |
Tri-State Pathology Consultants, Pa | Camden, NJ | 1801156062 |
Triche, Timothy J | MD | Los Angeles, CA | 1881792711 |
Trost, Beth | MD | Milwaukee, WI | 1811948573 |
Trustees Of Columbia University At Palisades Medical Center | North Bergen, NJ | 1437259322 |
Tucker, Suzanne Meyer | MD | San Diego, CA | 1326210527 |
Twiss, Jeffery L. | MD | Wilmington, DE | 1457416315 |
Tyson, Robert Weslie | MD | Arvada, CO | 1629047477 |
Uddin, Naseem | MD | Dallas, TX | 1891998399 |
University Medical Associates | Charleston, SC | 1184775132 |
University Of Pittsburgh Physicians | Pittsburgh, PA | 1245298652 |
University Of Pittsburgh Physicians | New Castle, PA | 1336656370 |
University Of Utah Pediatric Services | Salt Lake City, UT | 1891159935 |
University Pathologists Laboratories, Llp | Syracuse, NY | 1033150917 |
University Pathology Associates, Inc. | Los Angeles, CA | 1952325565 |
University Physician Associates Of New Jersey Inc | Newark, NJ | 1871503474 |
Upa Np Llc | Newark, NJ | 1346441375 |
Urie, Paul M | MD | Orem, UT | 1689897662 |
Urs, Latha | MD | Newark, OH | 1215197421 |
Uthscsa Msp Pathology | San Antonio, TX | 1447294236 |
Van Noy, Joanna Watson | MD | North Wilkesboro, NC | 1285602227 |
Vandenheuvel, Katherine Anne | MD | Cincinnati, OH | 1134362866 |
Vargas De Stefano, Danielle | MD | Phoenix, AZ | 1316237605 |
Vargas, Sara O | MD | Boston, MA | 1679584718 |
Vogel, Joseph V | MD | Hickory, NC | 1689642209 |
W.V. Harrer Professional Association | Camden, NJ | 1316921448 |
Wald, David N | MD | Cleveland, OH | 1760697528 |
Walker, Adonica Louise | MD | Washington, DC | 1588745798 |
Wang, Dehua | MD | San Diego, CA | 1578790655 |
Wang, Huiying | MD | Nashville, TN | 1033475066 |
Wang, Jason | MD | Fort Worth, TX | 1447419445 |
Wang, Qian | Pittsburgh, PA | 1942629357 |
Warren, Mikako | MD | Los Angeles, CA | 1114125283 |
Washington, Kenneth Raye | MD | St Petersburg, FL | 1417935222 |
Wasman, Jay K | MD | Cleveland, OH | 1609809136 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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