Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Sleep Medicine health care providers in South Carolina
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 4,771 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Sleep Medicine doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In South Carolina, there are about 85 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Sleep Medicine health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Afulukwe, Ifediora Foster | MD | Heath Springs, SC | 1417912932 |
Anmed Health | Anderson, SC | 1710201959 |
Anmed Health | Anderson, SC | 1255632683 |
Ansari, Mohammad Tariq | MD | Greenville, SC | 1821047044 |
Awan, Nasir Jalil | MD | Greenville, SC | 1831141894 |
Bogan Sleep Consultants | Columbia, SC | 1497296164 |
Bogan, Richard K | MD | Columbia, SC | 1538347661 |
Bon Secours Medical Group Greenville Specialty Care Llc | Greenville, SC | 1821679580 |
Castillo, Christian Eber | MD | Spartanburg, SC | 1316000979 |
Chandler, Thomas M | MD | Murrells Inlet, SC | 1568429223 |
Charleston Pulmonary Associates Pa | Charleston, SC | 1053360198 |
Chaudhry, Hina | MD | Columbia, SC | 1518259977 |
Clark, John Douglas | MD | Spartanburg, SC | 1194798595 |
Cobb, Orr Mcclentic | MD | Greenwood, SC | 1952397085 |
Columbia Heart Clinic, Pa | Columbia, SC | 1245266139 |
Costrini Sleep Services, Inc. | Bluffton, SC | 1578816716 |
Cox, Jeffrey | MD | Rock Hill, SC | 1639107402 |
Dawson, William T. | MD | Charleston, SC | 1548210982 |
De La Cruz, Luis | MD | Spartanburg, SC | 1033138912 |
Denenberg, Michael B | MD | Rock Hill, SC | 1538173794 |
Drummond, Fitzgerald Easley | MD | Charleston, SC | 1700838943 |
Elya, Marwan Kamil | MD | Florence, SC | 1124169479 |
Evans, Randall Brian | MD | Hilton Head, SC | 1124096623 |
Gaikwad, Nitin | MD | Greenville, SC | 1457311433 |
Golden, Thaddeus W. | MD | Myrtle Beach, SC | 1205832193 |
Grainger, Terry A | MD | Columbia, SC | 1003854464 |
Hand, Stephen H | MD | Anderson, SC | 1144225566 |
Handshoe, David Keith | MD | Summerville, SC | 1659371755 |
Harrison, Rodney Vaughn | MD | Columbia, SC | 1962448712 |
Hayek, Hafez | MD | Conway, SC | 1053584888 |
Hollins, William J | MD | Columbia, SC | 1164422820 |
Hummel, Melissa H | MD | Irmo, SC | 1255398426 |
Inlet Cardiopulmonary & Associates, Pa | Pawleys Island, SC | 1063479806 |
Inlet Cardiopulmonary & Associates, Pa | Murrells Inlet, SC | 1003095365 |
Inlet Pulmonary Critical Care And Sleep Medicine, Pa | Murrells Inlet, SC | 1912366568 |
Intaphan, Jared M | MD | North Charleston, SC | 1639486160 |
J.Douglas Clark, Md Pc | Spartanburg, SC | 1730229808 |
Jaraki, Omar | MD | Myrtle Beach, SC | 1225233497 |
Kaelin, Thomas D | DO | N Charleston, SC | 1740280841 |
Kim, Sola | MD | N Charleston, SC | 1508864968 |
Lal, Chitra Lal | MD | Charleston, SC | 1437197175 |
Lexington County Health Services District Inc. | West Columbia, SC | 1780915264 |
Lexington County Health Services District, Inc. | West Columbia, SC | 1205183209 |
Lexington Health Inc | West Columbia, SC | 1588262646 |
Liberty Sleep Associates, Llc | Charleston, SC | 1750462701 |
Malik, Syed W | MD | Anderson, SC | 1184713992 |
Manos, Peter Nicholas | MD | Beaufort, SC | 1558335083 |
Mcleod Physician Associates Ii | Florence, SC | 1619271004 |
Mcleod Regional Medical Center Of The Pee Dee, Inc | Florence, SC | 1437916228 |
Mecklenburg Medical Group | Indian Land, SC | 1396061347 |
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