Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Surgery health care providers in Texas
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 72,769 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Surgery doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Texas, there are about 5,506 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Surgery health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Arlene E. Ricardo, M.D., P.A. | Houston, TX | 1437315843 |
Arlington Bariatrics, Pllc | Arlington, TX | 1043442973 |
Arlington Physician Services Pa | Houston, TX | 1093144610 |
Arlington Plastic Surgery, Pa | Arlington, TX | 1912291147 |
Armstrong, Michael | DO | Austin, TX | 1295734937 |
Armstrong-Paap, Faye Gladys | MD | Odessa, TX | 1487668489 |
Arnold, David T | MD | Dallas, TX | 1982675161 |
Arnoldo, Brett D | MD | Dallas, TX | 1003876905 |
Aro, Taofeek O | MD | Shenandoah, TX | 1023548450 |
Aronoff, Ronald J | MD | Dallas, TX | 1982770558 |
Arora, Umesh K. | MD | San Antonio, TX | 1275648529 |
Arredondo, Sean Daniel | MD | Waxahachie, TX | 1295098168 |
Arrington, Amanda Kathleen | MD | Houston, TX | 1932138609 |
Artigue, Michael Nicholas | MD | Ft Worth, TX | 1932660297 |
Artun Aksade Md Pa | Odessa, TX | 1558799692 |
Arvin Short Md | Denton, TX | 1801071923 |
Asare, Elliot Amponsah | MD | Houston, TX | 1972828333 |
Ascension Seton | Burnet, TX | 1073536900 |
Ash, Lauren Gayle | MD | Austin, TX | 1700011590 |
Asham, Emad H | MD | Webster, TX | 1659483287 |
Ashford, Jason Scott | MD | Conroe, TX | 1407050347 |
Ashley Steinberg Plastic Surgery | Bellaire, TX | 1760100101 |
Ashworth, Rodney Brian | MD | Austin, TX | 1356377907 |
Askenasy, Erik Paul | MD | Houston, TX | 1780813295 |
Askew, Robert Edward | MD | Austin, TX | 1194754317 |
Aspen Physician Network, Pllc | Dallas, TX | 1427754696 |
Associated Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons, L.L.P. | Beaumont, TX | 1245382597 |
Associated Clinicians Of East Texas | Longview, TX | 1932640349 |
Associates In Surgical Acute Care | Dallas, TX | 1730345208 |
Astudillo Mantilla, Hector | LSA | Tomball, TX | 1164845236 |
Ata Ahmad Md Pa | Houston, TX | 1962807610 |
Atencio Bohorquez, Daniela Coromoto | MD | Round Rock, TX | 1396003281 |
Athens Surgical Assoc., P A | Athens, TX | 1487787198 |
Atia, Andrew Nagy | MD | Houston, TX | 1417489972 |
Atkins, Marvin Douglas | MD | Sugar Land, TX | 1730160706 |
Atun, Victor J | MD | Sugar Land, TX | 1841290095 |
Atx Robotic Surgery, Llc | Austin, TX | 1023590775 |
Au, Jason | MD | Houston, TX | 1649418328 |
Audrey Durrant Md Pllc | San Antonio, TX | 1336574920 |
Augustine, Martin M.V. | MD | Dallas, TX | 1467508994 |
Aujla, Surinder S | MD | Bowie, TX | 1104887272 |
Austin Cosmetic Surgery | Lakeway, TX | 1437664067 |
Austin Hand Group Pllc | West Lake Hills, TX | 1023172210 |
Austin Regional Clinic, Pa | Austin, TX | 1821157579 |
Austin Southwest Orthopaedic Group, P.A. | Austin, TX | 1699761494 |
Austin Surgeons Pllc | Austin, TX | 1457549305 |
Austin Surgical Clinic | Austin, TX | 1639177876 |
Austin Thyroid Surgeons, Pa | Austin, TX | 1366983215 |
Austin Vascular Institute Pa | Austin, TX | 1487890620 |
Austin, Edwin Robert | MD | Dallas, TX | 1255658555 |
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