Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Surgery health care providers in Kansas
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 72,769 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Surgery doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Kansas, there are about 618 Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Surgery health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aasha Surgical, P.A. | Overland Park, KS | 1326074816 |
Abdel Karim Hasan Jaber Tayiem, M.D., P.A. | Atchison, KS | 1417220534 |
Acuna, David L | DO | Wichita, KS | 1083682587 |
Adams, Andrew Joseph | MD | Dodge City, KS | 1538456413 |
Advanced Surgical Weight Loss, Chartered | Liberal, KS | 1861503849 |
Ahmad, Ali | MD | Wichita, KS | 1245493501 |
Ahmad, Mirza | MD | Dodge City, KS | 1942281506 |
Al-Kasspooles, Mazin F | MD | Westwood, KS | 1831291137 |
Aldrich, Anita Scarlett | Lawrence, KS | 1578839940 |
Ali, Muhammad Hamza | MD | Wichita, KS | 1295570331 |
Alley, John Robert | MD | Kansas City, KS | 1790805513 |
Almoghrabi, Omar | MD | Kansas City, KS | 1215373717 |
Amawi, Mohammad Sadi | MD | Dodge City, KS | 1740261205 |
Amberwell Atchison Association | Atchison, KS | 1528450913 |
Amin, Amanda Leigh | MD | Kansas City, KS | 1558585513 |
Ammar, Alex D | MD | Wichita, KS | 1811994676 |
Ammar, Chad P | MD | Wichita, KS | 1740448505 |
Anderson, Craig A | MD | Olathe, KS | 1073664603 |
Anthony J Canfield Md Facs, L | Liberal, KS | 1487841474 |
Anthony Johnstone Md, Facs, Pa | Winfield, KS | 1649312315 |
Aragon, Robert James | MD | Lenexa, KS | 1215138532 |
Arnspiger, Richard C. | MD | Shawnee, KS | 1558363580 |
Arroyo, Zeferino J | MD | Garden City, KS | 1932134012 |
Ascension Via Christi Hospital Manhattan, Inc. | Manhattan, KS | 1144220153 |
Ascension Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg, Inc. | Pittsburg, KS | 1760408975 |
Ashcraft, John Henry | DO | Kansas City, KS | 1548380256 |
Ashley Clinic, Llc | Chanute, KS | 1912087958 |
Azefor, Nchang Mantoh | MD | Liberal, KS | 1336375104 |
Bacani, Oswaldo Cruz | MD | Fredonia, KS | 1467565879 |
Balanoff, Christa Ruble | MD | Overland Park, KS | 1659370161 |
Banker, Mark Edward | MD | Beloit, KS | 1811288160 |
Baraban, Marc R | MD | Topeka, KS | 1649231580 |
Barker, Patrick N | MD | Ulysses, KS | 1205922150 |
Beamer, Russell Larry | MD | Wichita, KS | 1437156338 |
Bean, Linda K | DO | Pittsburg, KS | 1962404707 |
Beck, Samantha Lyn | MD | Wichita, KS | 1104054642 |
Beckenhauer, Dwane M | MD | Salina, KS | 1912014077 |
Beebe, Marjorie M | MD | Topeka, KS | 1326093741 |
Beech, Randall Renee | MD | Kingman, KS | 1396744223 |
Beloit Medical Center, P.A. | Beloit, KS | 1134176704 |
Bennett, Elizabeth Germinder | MD | Merriam, KS | 1396988879 |
Berbel, German | DO | Kansas City, KS | 1790755767 |
Berntsen, Bernita M | MD | Topeka, KS | 1811965213 |
Berry, Andrew R | MD | Wichita, KS | 1700265741 |
Beverlin, Owen | Wichita, KS | 1740802685 |
Bhurtel, Partha | MD | Topeka, KS | 1245518596 |
Biggs, Joedd Harrison | MD | Shawnee, KS | 1760897367 |
Bingaman, Robert Wesley | MD | Wichita, KS | 1982601886 |
Binns, Valerie | Wichita, KS | 1962076638 |
Bitter, Bradon | Wichita, KS | 1003344060 |
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