Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 2,673 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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- WY Wyoming (2)
Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
My Brothers Keeper | Phoenix, AZ | 1205600541 |
My Coping Center Llc | The Colony, TX | 1699439869 |
My Friends House Medical Services, Inc. | Woodbury Heights, NJ | 1952849374 |
Myers, Mark | PH.D. | San Diego, CA | 1891723110 |
N E Psychological Consultants, Inc. | Lowell, MA | 1922279033 |
Nacy, Martha Bridget | LLP | Brighton, MI | 1548566029 |
Nadeau, Joyce Mary | LCSW | Freeport, ME | 1801355920 |
Nadeen Medvin, Ph.D., Pa | Miami, FL | 1538583927 |
Nadler, Shari | PSY | Boca Raton, FL | 1992072904 |
Naim, Nora | PSYD | Redondo Beach, CA | 1104066026 |
Nalari Health Pa Ipa - Ids Llc | Barrington, RI | 1063959740 |
Nancy B. Sherrod, Ph.D., Pllc | Aurora, CO | 1750585790 |
Narrow Gate Llc | Rockville, IN | 1821125055 |
Naruhtiv P.C. | Saint Paul, MN | 1982389284 |
Natha, Urvi Mahendra | PSY | Redondo Beach, CA | 1831358118 |
National Center For Community Solutions Llc | Atlanta, GA | 1679923122 |
National Healthcare Group Llc | Plantation, FL | 1821495862 |
Navigator Healthcare Inc | New York, NY | 1962174961 |
Nawalrai, Divya Ravin | PSY | Gainesville, FL | 1144505819 |
Nazario, Juan Alberto | PSY | Hato Rey, PR | 1538352398 |
Neal & Neal'S Thee Answer | Palmdale, CA | 1356824155 |
Neale, Robert A | LADAC | Omaha, NE | 1255536918 |
Nee, John Webster | CDCA | Gallipolis, OH | 1760985790 |
Needham, Victor Thomas | MA | Park Forest, IL | 1992821656 |
Negrao, Claudio | PHD | Kensington, CT | 1457411068 |
Nelson Behavioral Center, Inc. | Ridgway, PA | 1760496913 |
Nelson, Tiesha Simona | PSY | Sunrise, FL | 1548407919 |
Nemerovski, Robert | PSY | Kentfield, CA | 1942460027 |
Neurocare And Family Services P.C. | Wheaton, IL | 1699050435 |
Neuropsych Solutions Llc | Port St Lucie, FL | 1518553841 |
Neurotherapy Center Of Plano, Inc | Plano, TX | 1336362060 |
Nevada Integrated Behavioral Services Inc. | Las Vegas, NV | 1457742975 |
Nevada Prime Care Llc | Las Vegas, NV | 1922675362 |
New Attitude Recovery Center Llc | Mission Viejo, CA | 1205205655 |
New Aurora Health Center | Columbus, OH | 1104676899 |
New Beginnings Counseling Centers | Las Vegas, NV | 1184011264 |
New Beginnings Counseling Centers Inc | Las Vegas, NV | 1811150220 |
New Era Overflow Neo, Inc. | Detroit, MI | 1518458736 |
New Hope Addiction Care, Inc. | Wilmington, NC | 1194355289 |
New Hope Health Services, Llc | Washington, DC | 1437628914 |
New Hope Miniistries & Counseling, Inc | Port Orange, FL | 1225478928 |
New Horizon Clinical And Behavioral Services Inc | Alsip, IL | 1093322638 |
New Life Counseling & Family Social Service Agency | Milwaukee, WI | 1447601778 |
New Path Wellness Center Llc | Palm Springs, FL | 1497291181 |
New Vision Behavioral Health Services, Llc | Youngstown, OH | 1629684725 |
New Visions Recovery Solutions | Woodland Park, CO | 1982470936 |
Newell, Kenneth | Orem, UT | 1962054775 |
Newville, Howard | PH.D. | Los Angeles, CA | 1093264749 |
Next Gen Medicus | Tempe, AZ | 1730748435 |
Nexus Recovery Services Llc | Bridgeport, CT | 1558886226 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
Go to page:Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.