Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Adult Development & Aging health care providers in Michigan
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 1,678 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Adult Development & Aging doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Michigan, there are about 72 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Adult Development & Aging health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Agresta, Diane Marie | PSY | Ann Arbor, MI | 1114973310 |
Antonucci, Ami Sheth | PH.D. | Bingham Farms, MI | 1144432774 |
Asnaa | Detroit, MI | 1073057485 |
Baddigam Family Psychiatric Assoc | Clinton Twp, MI | 1033393442 |
Bean, Judith A | PHD | Dearborn Heights, MI | 1306999628 |
Beaulieu, Isabelle Jeanne | PH.D. | Ann Arbor, MI | 1548481864 |
Bio-Behavioral Care Solutions, Llc | Warren, MI | 1366639965 |
Blau, Cheryl Beth | M.A., T.L.L.P. | Farmington Hills, MI | 1821271974 |
Brown, Teevia C | Flint, MI | 1881203834 |
Burke, Peggy Joanne | PH.D. | Grand Rapids, MI | 1124230644 |
Castine, Joseph Gasper | MS/LLP | Auburn Hills, MI | 1497028872 |
Center For Neuropsychology & Learning | Ann Arbor, MI | 1528282597 |
Chaundy, Karin | M.A., L.L.P | Brownstown Twp, MI | 1912170937 |
Colman, Michael D. | MD | Bloomfield Hills, MI | 1932100369 |
Count Your Blessings Tlc, Inc | Detroit, MI | 1235529017 |
Diversity Works Consulting | Mt Pleasant, MI | 1508441601 |
Donison, Deborah Rose | PH.D. | Detroit, MI | 1861514283 |
Douglass, Selina | Southfield, MI | 1124533344 |
Eckert, Thomas | Saint Clair Shores, MI | 1598096281 |
Essential Wellness Complete | Livonia, MI | 1194449124 |
Friedberg, Larry Mark | PH.D. | Bingham Farms, MI | 1053486142 |
Giordani, Bruno J | PHD | Ann Arbor, MI | 1790857217 |
Glasgow, Kyle Alan | PSYD, LP | Farmington Hills, MI | 1114175148 |
Hatfield, Andrea | Ann Arbor, MI | 1609509660 |
Hill, Sharae Lacrasha | Detroit, MI | 1962045245 |
Hope Network - Rehabilitation Services | Grand Rapids, MI | 1528043544 |
Hope Spectrum Health Cc | East Lansing, MI | 1225075062 |
In The Valley Adult Day Center | Detroit, MI | 1578964656 |
Integrated Enterprises,P.C. | Farmington Hills, MI | 1760545065 |
Jones Smith, Barbara | PHD | Traverse City, MI | 1740344456 |
Kahn, Helen | PHD | Ishpeming, MI | 1194054320 |
Kaye, Gail Ann | PH.D. | Bingham Farms, MI | 1356594956 |
Lauer, Roger E. | PH.D. | Ann Arbor, MI | 1639393614 |
Luchies, Mary | PHD, LP | Saint Johns, MI | 1124458740 |
Luck, Gerald Douglas | M. A,, L. L. P. | Clinton Township, MI | 1336281344 |
Luvene, Jasmine Ashley | Detroit, MI | 1548857030 |
Mall, Harriet J. | PH.D. | Farmington Hills, MI | 1558441840 |
Mccain, Llc | Detroit, MI | 1679863856 |
Mccrary, Amber | Detroit, MI | 1174274989 |
Miller, Shoine | Detroit, MI | 1538655055 |
Moore, Mira Luna Fuentes | Wyandotte, MI | 1265183115 |
Moriarty, James Joseph | PHD | Birmingham, MI | 1679692115 |
Moriarty, Joan Marie | PH.D. | Birmingham, MI | 1508985276 |
Musa, Sajda Mekhi | Detroit, MI | 1619752748 |
Nickel, Matthew Paul | Troy, MI | 1679357032 |
Novick, Jack | PH.D | Ann Arbor, MI | 1710158928 |
Ntl Adult Foster Care | Grand Rapids, MI | 1316451065 |
Pegeron, Patricia | PH.D. | Ann Arbor, MI | 1730231556 |
Price, Megan | Grand Rapids, MI | 1023755998 |
Psych-Services, Pllc | Iron Mountain, MI | 1417470188 |
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