Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Counseling health care providers in Wisconsin
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 12,424 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Counseling doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Wisconsin, there are about 149 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Counseling health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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- WI Wisconsin (149)
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Acacia Clinic, Inc. | Milwaukee, WI | 1417988973 |
Act Xii Counseling And Ministry, Inc | Sheboygan, WI | 1346409018 |
Adkisson, Shawn Denise | Milwaukee, WI | 1184377707 |
Adron Psychiatry & Addiction, S.C. | Oak Creek, WI | 1154992493 |
Albanese-Kotar, Nina Frances | PHD | Eau Claire, WI | 1700105855 |
Allemagne Counseling & Consultation Services, | Fitchburg, WI | 1033440227 |
Altekruse, Michael Clifford | PHD | Neenah, WI | 1568223196 |
Anderson, Samantha Jo | PH.D. | Green Bay, WI | 1982193546 |
Arbor Mental Health Center | Wausau, WI | 1366065351 |
Baker, Lisa M. | PH.D. | Madison, WI | 1821044033 |
Be Child And Adolescent Mental Health Llc | Appleton, WI | 1003311556 |
Bear, Teresa M | PH.D. | Madison, WI | 1972929784 |
Behrend Counseling And Psychological Services Llc | Madison, WI | 1437221470 |
Bellin Psychiatric Center Inc | Green Bay, WI | 1144552225 |
Bemowski, Heidi Ann | PH.D. | Green Bay, WI | 1770858466 |
Benjamin, Julia Zepnick | PHD | Madison, WI | 1417472341 |
Benson, Gregory Scott | MA | Milwaukee, WI | 1083877815 |
Bertrand, Ursula | PH.D. | Green Bay, WI | 1932324332 |
Bishop, Daniel Wayne | PSY | Delavan, WI | 1215039201 |
Black, James Henry | PH.D. | Madison, WI | 1114088341 |
Bogdanov, Jacquelyn | PSYD | Brookfield, WI | 1194230599 |
Boswell, Matthew | MS | Milwaukee, WI | 1285887182 |
Brewer, Laura G. | PSYD | Port Washington, WI | 1093998593 |
Briggs, John R | PHD | Menasha, WI | 1578620761 |
Bromley, Patricia Lee | PH.D. | Whitewater, WI | 1194790063 |
Brown, Grace Beverly | Oregon, WI | 1326731662 |
Bruce, Ted Terry | MSW LICSW | Glendale, WI | 1043376734 |
Byrne, Alison Jean | PH.D. | Milwaukee, WI | 1629224993 |
Camp, William Lyman | PH.D. | Marinette, WI | 1932284064 |
Cedar Creek Counseling, S.C. | Mequon, WI | 1134355308 |
Childs, Craig D. | PHD | Delafield, WI | 1285960518 |
Coachingpositivity, Llc | Manitowoc, WI | 1053475251 |
Cook, Carolyn Lacy | MA | Monona, WI | 1700890258 |
Cook, Hether Renee | PHD | Milwaukee, WI | 1255831954 |
Cooperative Educational Service Agency No 8 | Gillett, WI | 1699956607 |
County Of Door-Door County Library | Sturgeon Bay, WI | 1245265693 |
Cummings, Lynne Beth | PSY | Portage, WI | 1760411730 |
Davey, Carla Mae | PHD | Madison, WI | 1902337785 |
Diverse Clinical Services Associates, Inc. | Milwaukee, WI | 1528160314 |
Dotson, Virginia Louise | PH.D. | Milwaukee, WI | 1164573804 |
Draginis, Alexandria R | LPC | New Berlin, WI | 1225602501 |
Dynamic Potential | Racine, WI | 1023656162 |
Ecumenical Health Center | Green Bay, WI | 1396936175 |
Elliott, Nancy Ann | PH.D. | Sun Prairie, WI | 1568794469 |
Empowerment Counseling, Llc | Lancaster, WI | 1457829178 |
Engler, Caroline Elizabeth | PHD | Milwaukee, WI | 1518433978 |
Evans, Aaron James | LPC | Milwaukee, WI | 1972130706 |
Evans, Kelly Charles | PH.D. | Wausau, WI | 1720165251 |
Ferguson, Mary Wimsatt | PH.D. | Mequon, WI | 1982333969 |
Floore-Guetschow, Lauren | PH.D | Tomah, WI | 1578126868 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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