Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Group Psychotherapy health care providers in North Carolina
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 2,953 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Group Psychotherapy doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In North Carolina, there are about 146 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Group Psychotherapy health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Access Family Services | Asheville, NC | 1124187299 |
Advantage Psychiatry & Counseling | Leland, NC | 1508801663 |
Alpha And Omega Family Counseling & Restoration Services, Inc | Raleigh, NC | 1578960985 |
Altschul, Adena Rene | PH.D. | Asheville, NC | 1710061098 |
Anthony, Cheri Rae | PH.D. | Salisbury, NC | 1467411942 |
Apex Residential Services, Llc | Charlotte, NC | 1730597337 |
Arp/Phoenix, Inc. | Asheville, NC | 1114156288 |
Aspire Supportive & Counseling Services, Llc | Fayetteville, NC | 1346552056 |
Assured Community Services, Llc | Winston Salem, NC | 1053925727 |
B & D Integrated Health Services East Inc | Goldsboro, NC | 1194567461 |
B&D Integrated Health Services | Durham, NC | 1215022926 |
Barrick, Ann Louise | PHD | Butner, NC | 1306930987 |
Bonk, Magdalena Janina | LPA | Wilmington, NC | 1326391699 |
Bowden Enterprise Services, Llc | Bailey, NC | 1467951509 |
Bowden Enterprise Services, Llc | Bailey, NC | 1548769680 |
Bowden, Tiffany C. L. | Bailey, NC | 1316446529 |
Boyd, Amy | PH.D. | Raleigh, NC | 1972798403 |
Brantley, David | PSY | Charlotte, NC | 1336457670 |
Brown, Colton Abraham | PHD, HSP-P | Asheville, NC | 1023653268 |
Brown, Kelly Jean | LPA | Brevard, NC | 1700963584 |
Bryce Kaye And Associates | Cary, NC | 1144352337 |
Campbell, Cynthia Ann | Rocky Mount, NC | 1417599861 |
Career Education Psychological Evaluatinos | Charlotte, NC | 1629271242 |
Carolinas Rehabilitation | Charlotte, NC | 1821112665 |
Christensen, Rita Louise | PHD | Asheville, NC | 1740504208 |
Clinical & Forensic Psychological Services, P.A. | Asheville, NC | 1952575607 |
Compass Adult Care, Inc. | Asheville, NC | 1245414184 |
Conner, Andrea H | LPA | Wilmington, NC | 1760569669 |
Cordoni, Carl Nicholas | PH.D. | Jacksonville, NC | 1578787982 |
County Of Guilford | High Point, NC | 1174561559 |
Crenshaw, Edwin Earl | MA | Asheville, NC | 1760650626 |
Cypher Treatment Services | Thomasville, NC | 1063287993 |
Davis, Donald Douglas | PSY | Raleigh, NC | 1720203334 |
Dehaas, Ryan A. | PH.D. | Salisbury, NC | 1760444103 |
Dickison, Julie A | PSYD | Hickory, NC | 1548274830 |
Dodge, Janice Patrice | PH.D. | Gastonia, NC | 1568800845 |
Dorsey, Tyeasia K | CSAC, LCAS | Tarboro, NC | 1316599160 |
Easter Seals Ucp North Carolina & Virginia, Inc. | Clinton, NC | 1235291170 |
Elite Aaolescent Care, Inc. | St. Pauls, NC | 1225464225 |
Evolution Wellness Center, Pllc | Fayetteville, NC | 1629740592 |
Filipowski, David | PH.D. | Raleigh, NC | 1164567731 |
Fonseca Family Services | Durham, NC | 1932385754 |
Foothills Area Program | Lenoir, NC | 1962677070 |
Foothills Area Program | Marion, NC | 1376718494 |
Forte, Carl Lee | Raleigh, NC | 1528312733 |
Freeman, Laura Lee | P.H.D. | Spruce Pine, NC | 1972860021 |
Fruit, Mary Alice | PSYD | Fayetteville, NC | 1649200924 |
Gaffney, Jo Ellen | PH.D | Salisbury, NC | 1043272354 |
Gantz, Frank Elwin | PSY | Salisbury, NC | 1790748366 |
Giarmo, Christine Marie | PSY | Asheboro, NC | 1538108519 |
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