Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities health care providers in Virginia
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 2,524 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Virginia, there are about 45 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Ansari, Gazala Abulhasan | PH.D. | Alexandria, VA | 1013247618 |
Applied Behavioral Associates, Pllc | Arlington, VA | 1134670680 |
Behavioral Therapeutic Options Pc | Fishersville, VA | 1841480043 |
Brown-Ennis, Ruth Christine Chanan | PHD LCP | Richmond, VA | 1851076103 |
Campbell Integrative Psychological Services | Mc Lean, VA | 1750020954 |
Chimes Virginia, Inc. | Fairfax, VA | 1538275045 |
Dailey, Quanisha Christine | Chesapeake, VA | 1669727533 |
Dominion Center For Behavioral Health Services | South Riding, VA | 1043595770 |
Dwyer, John Patrick | PH.D. | Chesterfield, VA | 1346212115 |
Empowering Minds | Virginia Beach, VA | 1881459535 |
Favret, Cynthia | PH.D. | Williamsburg, VA | 1043481229 |
Fornah, Fatu | Alexandria, VA | 1164116737 |
Garcia, Joseph A. | PSYD | Williamsburg, VA | 1770099780 |
Gardiner, Karen | Chesapeake, VA | 1932869179 |
Garner, Benjamin Elias | Lynchburg, VA | 1831834365 |
Grandoit, Tamara | Suffolk, VA | 1538598263 |
Haynesworth, Cassandra | Portsmouth, VA | 1134877707 |
Herman, Lauren | King George, VA | 1912789959 |
Hoch, Theodore Andrew | ED.D. | Woodbridge, VA | 1811295975 |
Hope Residential Service | Arlington, VA | 1962876177 |
Impact Counseling, Coaching & Consulting Llc | Virginia Beach, VA | 1093431504 |
Impact Wellness Center Llc | North Chesterfield, VA | 1205509205 |
Jarvis, Tracy | Chesapeake, VA | 1154714285 |
Jones, Milfred Emile | Annandale, VA | 1992547525 |
Kuhagen, James Allan | PH. D. | Arlington, VA | 1912266750 |
Lassiter, Victoria | Chesapeake, VA | 1548975832 |
Lucas, Pamela | Gainesville, VA | 1427472224 |
Manikam, Ramasamy | PHD | Verona, VA | 1588921605 |
Maxcare Health And Residential Services Llc | Chesterfield, VA | 1104345461 |
Mclaren, Kevin Patrick | PH.D. | Lynchburg, VA | 1609945468 |
Neuropsychology & Complementary Medicine Inc | Fredericksburg, VA | 1972801207 |
New Hope Health Co | Broadlands, VA | 1477149276 |
Oliver, Melvin Max | Chesterfield, VA | 1326567678 |
Quality Life Entereprises , Llc | Alexandria, VA | 1124310875 |
Reeves Woodall, Carol | BCABA | Fairfax, VA | 1417107350 |
Smith, Georgiana | Virginia Beach, VA | 1184268385 |
Sullivan, Julia Cecile | MT | Herndon, VA | 1184923427 |
Tds Health | Woodbridge, VA | 1679269930 |
Terrones, Maria Cecilia | Newport News, VA | 1922499268 |
The Autism Program Of Virginia (Tap-Va) | Richmond, VA | 1992116677 |
Therapy Services Of Va | Bristow, VA | 1346541125 |
Townsend, Shonda Latrese | Zuni, VA | 1245751429 |
Tresor Healthcare Inc | Arlington, VA | 1427827872 |
White Cloud Therapeutic Services, Llc | Williamsburg, VA | 1720551963 |
Woodbridge Therapy Group Llc | Woodbridge, VA | 1427421627 |
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