Dental Providers / Dental Therapist health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 191 Dental Providers / Dental Therapist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
- AK Alaska (38)
- AZ Arizona (1)
- CA California (6)
- FL Florida (2)
- GA Georgia (4)
- IL Illinois (1)
- MA Massachusetts (1)
- MI Michigan (1)
- MN Minnesota (106)
- MT Montana (1)
- NV Nevada (1)
- NJ New Jersey (1)
- NY New York (3)
- MP Northern Mariana Islands (1)
- OH Ohio (1)
- OR Oregon (13)
- PA Pennsylvania (2)
- TX Texas (2)
- WA Washington (6)
Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Scott, Kassie | M.D.T. | Sartell, MN | 1447618095 |
Seyffer, Danae Marie | DT | Minneapolis, MN | 1083970750 |
Shantz, Natalia | Bethel, AK | 1275286924 |
Shoemaker, Chelsea A | DHAT | Sand Point, AK | 1114269982 |
Sims, Mia Jasmine | Eugene, OR | 1346010154 |
Southcentral Foundation | Iliamna, AK | 1750961918 |
Steward, Benjamin Hanby | Portland, OR | 1548537020 |
Storlie, Michelle | D.T. | Faribault, MN | 1104256106 |
Strawhacker, Emily | MDT | Mankato, MN | 1043750995 |
The Smile Club Dentistry And Orthodontics Pllc | Houston, TX | 1265999379 |
Thomas, Haley Lea | LDH ADT | Madelia, MN | 1821652710 |
Thomas, Trisha-Ann | RDHAP | San Diego, CA | 1114497054 |
Tischer, Lindsey Lee | MDT | Park Rapids, MN | 1346506011 |
Tooyak, Lauren | Kotzebue, AK | 1609283621 |
Trif, Sheri Solseng | RDH | Glencoe, MN | 1730531906 |
Uisok, Wilma O | Bethel, AK | 1578134318 |
Ulak, Janette Carmen | Hooper Bay, AK | 1922579143 |
Vang, Lucky | Saint Paul, MN | 1134637143 |
Vang, My Pang Kou | M | West St Paul, MN | 1033623822 |
Vick, Sabrina Marie Beierly | DHAT | Juneau, AK | 1003281866 |
Virtudent Ma Llc | Boston, MA | 1548655541 |
Vital Dental | New York, NY | 1326521139 |
Voltz, Stefanie Faye | MDT | Rochester, MN | 1770072167 |
Vukunisiga, Kitione Balawa | Saipan, MP | 1689426363 |
Wallerich, Annalise | RDH | Minneapolis, MN | 1033729033 |
Walls, Shannon | Fort Benning, GA | 1174276026 |
Walton, Elizabeth Margaret | ADT | Alexandria, MN | 1528685211 |
Wangen, Rachel | DT | Hutchinson, MN | 1124804703 |
Wasuli, Allison Kristi | Kotzebue, AK | 1336783075 |
Weiss, Alexa Nicole | LDH | Springfield, MN | 1255084166 |
Wetzsteon, Rachel Laurel | Cannon Falls, MN | 1063163491 |
Wheeler, Shonna | King Cove, AK | 1134696156 |
Willmar Family Dentistry, P.A. | Willmar, MN | 1205204674 |
Woodland Dental Inc. | Wadena, MN | 1912246315 |
Woods, Stephanie | Kotzebue, AK | 1922442334 |
Woods, Tamija Katrice | DHAT | Anchorage, AK | 1083251607 |
Wren, Jaslyn F | DHAT | Anchorage, AK | 1730638933 |
Xiong, Park | Minneapolis, MN | 1477145449 |
Yamamoto, Cheryl | RDH | San Marcos, CA | 1407191117 |
Zemke, Darlene | DT | Baxter, MN | 1043094360 |
Zoumanigui, Martine Gneme | Deerwood, MN | 1801222542 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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