Dental Providers / Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 21,688 Dental Providers / Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
- AL Alabama (267)
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- VI Virgin Islands (1)
- VA Virginia (606)
- WA Washington (587)
- WV West Virginia (76)
- WI Wisconsin (296)
- WY Wyoming (42)
Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Coastal Kids Dental,Pa | Walterboro, SC | 1548659022 |
Coastal Orthodontics, Llc | Houma, LA | 1922562438 |
Coastal Palm Orthodontics Llc | Murrells Inlet, SC | 1568201192 |
Coats, Matthew Jonathan | D.D.S.,M.S. | Tomball, TX | 1205940384 |
Cobain, Leif Bradly | DDS | Stockton, CA | 1619066180 |
Cobb, James Wayne | DMD | Fort Liberty, NC | 1467403113 |
Cobb, Numa | DDS | Greensboro, NC | 1447371182 |
Coby, Guy | DMD | Quakertown, PA | 1578778817 |
Cochran Orthodontics Pllc | San Antonio, TX | 1366984395 |
Cochran, Devin Scott | DDS | San Antonio, TX | 1356347108 |
Coffelt, Marie | DDS | Springfield, VA | 1538566567 |
Coffey, Benjamin Bruce | DDS | Morristown, TN | 1063986271 |
Cofie, Zenaida Mootso | DDS | Towson, MD | 1013971936 |
Cogan And George Orthodontics | Richboro, PA | 1386396133 |
Cogan, Jordan S | DMD | Richboro, PA | 1235763004 |
Coghlan Orthodontics | Bloomington, IN | 1518082643 |
Coghlan, Charles Y. | D.M.D., M.S.D. | Bloomington, IN | 1073637450 |
Coghlan, John Kevin | D.D.S, M.S.D. | Bloomington, IN | 1093740433 |
Coglianese, James A | DDS | Palos Heights, IL | 1528196599 |
Cognata J Dmd, Michael&Barone | Marblehead, MA | 1518091180 |
Cognata, Michael J | DMD | Everett, MA | 1114046075 |
Cohanim, Babak | DDS | Seattle, WA | 1174533665 |
Cohen Orthodontics, Pc | South Windsor, CT | 1326404039 |
Cohen, Adam M | DMD | Brooklyn, NY | 1609124908 |
Cohen, Blair Ashley | DMD | West Palm Beach, FL | 1689171696 |
Cohen, Brian P | DDS | Boca Raton, FL | 1508964263 |
Cohen, David | DDS | Newton Centre, MA | 1093859415 |
Cohen, Erin Leigh | DDS | Los Angeles, CA | 1285766295 |
Cohen, Evan Ross | DMD | Staten Island, NY | 1922491745 |
Cohen, Glenn Todd | DMD | Plano, TX | 1659643948 |
Cohen, Gwen Stacey | DDS | Mahwah, NJ | 1265530968 |
Cohen, Harold J | DMD | Hanover, PA | 1073650198 |
Cohen, Jason Michael | DDS | San Jose, CA | 1063556793 |
Cohen, Jeffrey Mark | DMD | Beverly Hills, CA | 1437230810 |
Cohen, Jessica A | DMD | Highland Park, IL | 1710247408 |
Cohen, Leslie Sarah | DDS | Vernon Hills, IL | 1114593506 |
Cohen, Lori D | DDS | New York, NY | 1326293580 |
Cohen, Lori Watkins | DDS | Rye, NY | 1407267610 |
Cohen, Mitchell S | DDS | Scranton, PA | 1841371804 |
Cohen, Ronald Alan | DDS | Fort Wayne, IN | 1952313991 |
Cohen, Steven Lazarus | D.D.S., M.S.D. | San Luis Obispo, CA | 1336169085 |
Cohen, Steven Michael | DMD | Philadelphia, PA | 1548280654 |
Cohen, Yonatan | D.M.D., MS | Port Jefferson Station, NY | 1912375791 |
Cohen-Sasson, Kenneth | DMD | Suwanee, GA | 1619004496 |
Cohlmia Orthodontics | Oklahoma City, OK | 1679767594 |
Cohlmia, Gregory Thomas | D.D.S., M.S. | Richardson, TX | 1093827693 |
Cohlmia, Jeffrey Todd | DDS | Oklahoma City, OK | 1366513699 |
Colantino, Drew Anthony | DMD | Springfield, IL | 1245579499 |
Colarusso, Dominic A | DDS | Olean, NY | 1033222328 |
Colb, Michael A. | DDS | Pueblo, CO | 1053524124 |
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