Nursing Service Providers / Home Health health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 10,779 Nursing Service Providers / Home Health doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
- AL Alabama (48)
- AK Alaska (51)
- AZ Arizona (121)
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- CA California (435)
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- CT Connecticut (47)
- DE Delaware (38)
- DC District of Columbia (119)
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- MP Northern Mariana Islands (1)
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- PR Puerto Rico (29)
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- TX Texas (965)
- UT Utah (17)
- VT Vermont (20)
- VI Virgin Islands (1)
- VA Virginia (167)
- WA Washington (478)
- WV West Virginia (328)
- WI Wisconsin (791)
- WY Wyoming (27)
Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Angel Star Home Health, Inc. | Charlotte, NC | 1114948031 |
Angel Steps Home Health Care Services, Llc | Cutler Bay, FL | 1649914029 |
Angel, Harold Lawrence | Jefferson, TX | 1699254995 |
Angeles, Allan Socrates Mamaril | RN | San Antonio, TX | 1285135574 |
Angelic Friends | Baker, LA | 1588740583 |
Angelic Health Care Group, Inc. | San Diego, CA | 1629476429 |
Angelic Touch Homecare Llc | Brooklyn Park, MN | 1851941819 |
Angelillis, Michael Zachery | Marble Falls, TX | 1689418584 |
Angels Of Grace Wellness Llc | Jamaica, NY | 1609629377 |
Angelucci, Kelly | Weston, MA | 1487498234 |
Angrand, Alexandra | RN | Lake Worth, FL | 1699874818 |
Anifex Home Health Services, Llc | Desoto, TX | 1194465708 |
Annah, Eloise Eme | GNA ,HHA,CMT | Laurel, MD | 1730433194 |
Anokam, Chioma | Washington, DC | 1124467220 |
Anoruo, Jovita N | Stoughton, MA | 1780167239 |
Another Perspective Of Life, Inc. | Dayton, OH | 1972261790 |
Anowey, Justin | RN | Fresno, TX | 1316403843 |
Ansah, Rayfred Josephine | RN | Hackensack, NJ | 1073206397 |
Ansari, Saarim Mohammad | FNP | Crystal Lake, IL | 1831687565 |
Anschuetz, Curt Harold | RN | Nashotah, WI | 1689736951 |
Ansley, Holly Leann | RN | Joplin, MO | 1629310131 |
Ansong, Stephen | REGISTERED NURSE | Bronx, NY | 1386151231 |
Anthem Home Care, Inc. | Lewisville, TX | 1750956520 |
Anthony, Alyssa Mae | MSN | Lancaster, TX | 1306301288 |
Anthony, Diane | New Castle, DE | 1063814226 |
Anthony, Jeane | FNP | Waldwick, NJ | 1245080852 |
Antoine, Catherine | Miami, FL | 1982335873 |
Antoine, Lucinda Lyons | RN | Houston, TX | 1932378395 |
Anton, Peggy Louise | RN | Whitewater, WI | 1720032519 |
Antwi, Diana | RN | Old Bridge, NJ | 1205104189 |
Anu, Lizetter | Columbus, OH | 1720695299 |
Anuforo, Sylvanus Amanze | APRN | Dallas, GA | 1346630662 |
Any Age Medical Home Healthcare,Llc | Houston, TX | 1740940345 |
Anyabuike, Angela | Washington, DC | 1518397397 |
Anyanwu, Blessing | RN | Plymouth, MN | 1366103301 |
Anyanwu, Esther | Canton, MI | 1639534878 |
Anyanwu, Florence Ijeoma | FNP | Houston, TX | 1104258987 |
Anyanwu-Mueller, Collins | RN | West Orange, NJ | 1073750873 |
Anyimadu, Mary Enyonam | RN | Florissant, MO | 1881218865 |
Anyinefa, Adjo | RN | Columbus, OH | 1144704602 |
Anzelone, Theresa Diane | Adena, OH | 1407566128 |
Apedo, Akofa F. | Bronx, NY | 1346545456 |
Apex Med Solutions Inc. | Parsippany, NJ | 1033898069 |
Aplin, Charles | Gainesville, FL | 1073705265 |
Apodaca, Lesley | Chandler, AZ | 1124620141 |
Apollo Home Healthcare, Llc | Pleasanton, CA | 1245775469 |
Apollo, Susan Nduta | Saint Paul, MN | 1548700677 |
Aponshine, Hortensia N | Washington, DC | 1700216140 |
Appel, Nadine | Madison, WI | 1689643058 |
Appiah Djomoah, Rawlings | RN | Wylie, TX | 1750859013 |
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Go to page:Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.