Other Service Providers / Medical Genetics, Ph.D. Medical Genetics health care providers in California
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 653 Other Service Providers / Medical Genetics, Ph.D. Medical Genetics doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In California, there are about 88 Other Service Providers / Medical Genetics, Ph.D. Medical Genetics health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aradhya, Swaroop | PH.D. | Palo Alto, CA | 1801343215 |
Azizi, Moshe | Beverly Hills, CA | 1972248375 |
Beqaj, Safedin | Garden Grove, CA | 1831728831 |
Brar, Harbinder S | M.D. INC | Riverside, CA | 1699700971 |
Brink, Robert | MD | San Mateo, CA | 1992822522 |
Btinsight | Arcadia, CA | 1992429179 |
Btmedical | Irvine, CA | 1073252037 |
Burton, Andre | MD | Anaheim, CA | 1831220540 |
Burton, Robert | MD | Anaheim, CA | 1154452688 |
Carlis, Tracy Lynn | PHD | Encino, CA | 1730225640 |
Choe, Ki Hong | MD | Garden Grove, CA | 1134163223 |
Chow, Ken Wah | MD | Yuba City, CA | 1699781203 |
Christina K Jones Md | Westlake Village, CA | 1962520668 |
Coates, Lawrence John | Lancaster, CA | 1366590986 |
Cowan, Tina Marie | PHD | Palo Alto, CA | 1699062489 |
Denmark, Deaunne | MD | San Jose, CA | 1073132767 |
Dr Brian F Topkis A Medical Group | Walnut Creek, CA | 1518129048 |
Engle, June Annette | MD | Alamo, CA | 1669530937 |
Erlander, Mark G | PHD | San Diego, CA | 1083748479 |
Faculty Physicians And Surgeons Of Llusm | Loma Linda, CA | 1265686109 |
Fan, Zhaoyang | PHD | Los Angeles, CA | 1851044143 |
Ferdowsian, Fatolah | Anaheim, CA | 1518178110 |
Four Season Clinic | Huntington Park, CA | 1023033818 |
Friends Medical Group Inc. | Ananheim, CA | 1982797684 |
Fuentes, Felma | MD | Bakersfield, CA | 1376755199 |
Futalan, Ramiro | MD | Downey, CA | 1396946224 |
Gatchalian, Renz Lorenz | Hayward, CA | 1124496690 |
Genetic Institute Of Anti Aging | Costa Mesa, CA | 1750402574 |
Glazer, Robert A | MD | Los Angeles, CA | 1447300504 |
Good Samaritan Urgent Care Medical Group, Inc | Bakersfield, CA | 1255362349 |
Grey, Erlinda Dy | MD | Panorama City, CA | 1356568752 |
Howard, Tommy Eugene | MD | Los Angeles, CA | 1306049440 |
Humble, Gail | MD | Redondo Beach, CA | 1285902080 |
Jierian, Shahe N | PHD | Pasadena, CA | 1174693501 |
Kaweski, Susan | M.D., F.A.C.S. | La Mesa, CA | 1629076856 |
Kee, Yung | MD | Costa Mesa, CA | 1972559920 |
Kelly, Patricia T | PH.D. | Berkeley, CA | 1639159551 |
Klein, Karen Ann | PH.D. | Monrovia, CA | 1831382860 |
Knell, Ellen R. | PHD | Pasadena, CA | 1346247426 |
Laborde, Nilsa Patritti | M.D.,PH.D | Torrance, CA | 1225140429 |
Lebeck, Lauralynn Kay | PHD | La Jolla, CA | 1902966625 |
Lee, Hane | PHD | Los Angeles, CA | 1881145266 |
Leonard, Matthew H | MD | Redding, CA | 1538880661 |
Li, Wenhui Laura | PH.D. | Irvine, CA | 1558961839 |
Ma, Xiao-Jun | San Diego, CA | 1558495945 |
Marcinkus, Rim | MD | Rancho Mirage, CA | 1275678583 |
Marsh, Jon Kevin | MD | Yuba City, CA | 1467468090 |
Maternal Fetal Medicine Medical Group Of Southern California | Sangabriel, CA | 1598040784 |
Mcginniss, Matthew Jerome | PHD FACMG | San Diego, CA | 1023214319 |
Mejia, Methusa Javinar | MD | Palm Desert, CA | 1669483590 |
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