Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner health care providers in North Carolina
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 495,967 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In North Carolina, there are about 15,129 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Easley, Jessica Marie | Greensboro, NC | 1639821010 |
East Carolina Health | Ahoskie, NC | 1164400636 |
East Carolina Health | Ahoskie, NC | 1801064951 |
East Carolina Health | Ahoskie, NC | 1740384239 |
East Carolina Health-Bertie | Windsor, NC | 1578541660 |
East Carolina University | Greenville, NC | 1760559926 |
East Coast On-Site Medical Care, Inc | Greenville, NC | 1811128168 |
East, Adam Lee | NP | Winston Salem, NC | 1346580453 |
East, Kimberly Cornette | NP | Concord, NC | 1558105411 |
Easter Seals Ucp North Carolina & Virginia, Inc. | Mount Airy, NC | 1437448750 |
Easter Seals Ucp North Carolina & Virginia, Inc. | Rocky Mount, NC | 1528357845 |
Easter, Molly Kay | NP | Mount Airy, NC | 1225224728 |
Easterhoff, Chandler Moeller | CPNP | Durham, NC | 1770943474 |
Eastern North Carolina Medical Group, Pllc | Wilson, NC | 1225367253 |
Eastern Sky Wellness | Asheville, NC | 1598466708 |
Eastman, Jane Gilbert | NP | Boone, NC | 1639365190 |
Eaton, Cynthia | NP | Charlotte, NC | 1720029408 |
Eaton, Elizabeth Renee | PMHNP-BC | Wilmington, NC | 1245937473 |
Eaton, Lori Blanchard | NP | Charlotte, NC | 1184916892 |
Eberhard, Patricia Hume | NP | Durham, NC | 1700991122 |
Ebert, Cynthia H | FNPC | Shelby, NC | 1972717049 |
Ebert, Shasta Leann | Mooresville, NC | 1093069627 |
Eby, Ronald Lee | FNP | Asheville, NC | 1568080810 |
Echelon Consulting Inc | Charlotte, NC | 1679896286 |
Eckard, Bettina | Charlotte, NC | 1770717266 |
Eckstein, Melanie | Belmont, NC | 1124204847 |
Edden, Elizabeth | Charlotte, NC | 1023638665 |
Eddy, Amber | AGNP | Lumberton, NC | 1336845346 |
Eddy, Meaghan Marie Eberly | FNP | Fayetteville, NC | 1639421027 |
Edelen, Kevin | NP | Oak Ridge, NC | 1780155291 |
Edgerton, Elisa | FNP | Waxhaw, NC | 1346678174 |
Edgerton, Markiesha Willette | NP | Smithfield, NC | 1326420928 |
Edgerton, Tyler Nigele | Greenville, NC | 1851904999 |
Edgeston-Jones, Dorrie | FNP | Wake Forest, NC | 1730966292 |
Edie, Alison Hester | NP | Durham, NC | 1629233598 |
Edinger, Amy Beth | NP | Charlotte, NC | 1447439336 |
Edinger, Zachariah St. Louis | NP | Charlotte, NC | 1932488632 |
Edkins, Renee E | ANP | Chapel Hill, NC | 1194034934 |
Edmondson, Linda F | FNP | Rocky Mount, NC | 1144214875 |
Edmundson, Ronnie Elaine | NP | Goldsboro, NC | 1053198069 |
Edralin, Prina Patel | FNP | Raleigh, NC | 1306351564 |
Edward, Shibu | MSN | Durham, NC | 1619469806 |
Edwards, Alexia | FNP | Creedmoor, NC | 1386113124 |
Edwards, Alexis Vikketta | FNP | Elizabeth City, NC | 1356032031 |
Edwards, Candace | NP | Fayetteville, NC | 1508301573 |
Edwards, Carol | NP | Smithfield, NC | 1588728794 |
Edwards, Deanne S. | ANP | Warrenton, NC | 1275815698 |
Edwards, Deborah Kay | MSN | Fayetteville, NC | 1801991542 |
Edwards, Eugene | Nebo, NC | 1255067898 |
Edwards, Gregory Michael | PMHNP-BC | West Jefferson, NC | 1518711910 |
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