Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner health care providers in Ohio
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 495,967 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Ohio, there are about 21,671 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
1 Balance Llc | New Albany, OH | 1164291977 |
2Slice Inc | Lancaster, OH | 1215550504 |
3130 Medical, Llc | Toledo, OH | 1861082877 |
333 Therapeutics Consulting Llc | Eaton, OH | 1689209009 |
360Team Psychiatry Llc | Perrysburg, OH | 1780267146 |
365 Beauty & Aesthetics Llc | Lima, OH | 1659118339 |
4M Hospitalist Services, Llc | Akron, OH | 1508288531 |
A Better Way Mental Wellness Group, Llc | Westerville, OH | 1144910506 |
A Crystal Mind | Cincinnati, OH | 1467068262 |
A Hero'S Journey Llc | West Chester, OH | 1144939448 |
A Mind Renewed | Cincinnati, OH | 1902581564 |
A Novotny, Elizabeth | AGACNP-BC | Twinsburg, OH | 1972040137 |
Aaron, Siobhan Patrice | APRN | Beachwood, OH | 1700552809 |
Abaa, Rebecca | Dublin, OH | 1619569472 |
Ababovic, Elizabeth E. | CPNP | Columbus, OH | 1134602964 |
Abankwah, Anastasia Ofewaa Gyesaw | NP | Pickerington, OH | 1801082037 |
Abate, Alicia F. | CRNP | Steubenville, OH | 1477851848 |
Abba-Mesue, Isabel | NP | Liberty Twp, OH | 1124264379 |
Abbatemarco, Cassandra Elizabeth | CNP | Cleveland, OH | 1417645144 |
Abbott, Carol Jean | APRN | Cincinnati, OH | 1932191681 |
Abbott, Donna M | CNP | Akron, OH | 1053342832 |
Abbott, Kristina Georges | CNP | Mayfield Heights, OH | 1669810669 |
Abbott, Mary F | APRN | Columbus, OH | 1306958830 |
Abbott, Rebecca Suzanne | RN | Caldwell, OH | 1780087577 |
Abdelmessih, Nargis H | APRN | Richmond Hts, OH | 1790385995 |
Abdelnour, Donna | CNP | Cincinnati, OH | 1811302698 |
Abdi, Hibo | NP | Columbus, OH | 1992405047 |
Abdikarim, Marwa | Columbus, OH | 1487388757 |
Abdirizak, Roda Hassan | FNP | Westerville, OH | 1386358125 |
Abdul-Karim, Ashley | Lakewood, OH | 1720843170 |
Abdule, Amina M. | APRN | Columbus, OH | 1316346786 |
Abdullah, Reyhanna | Akron, OH | 1497107510 |
Abed, Khetam Mohammed | NP | Solon, OH | 1992322556 |
Abele, Beth M | Circleville, OH | 1790279420 |
Abergel, Farrah Ashley | MSN | Columbus, OH | 1699245993 |
Abfall, Courtney Michelle | FNP | Athens, OH | 1528798261 |
Abi, Kulling Nji | Kent, OH | 1104237684 |
Abi, Sara | RN | Canton, OH | 1093130403 |
Ables, Gina | FNP | Columbus, OH | 1396036273 |
Abner, Christine Marie | APRN | Montgomery, OH | 1255749081 |
Abney, Danielle | Mason, OH | 1134730781 |
Aboagye, Sandra | CNP | Columbus, OH | 1366757247 |
Abode Care Partners Al Vb, Llc | Mason, OH | 1104695550 |
Abode Care Partners Ltc Vb, Llc | Mason, OH | 1144099318 |
Abood, Walter Nicholas | CNP | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | 1992221790 |
Abou-Osman, Somia | Kent, OH | 1700511698 |
Abraham, Alyssa | Woodmere, OH | 1154948727 |
Abraham, Beka Loraine | CNP | Dayton, OH | 1326183773 |
Abraham, Brooke Elise | FNP | Newark, OH | 1770133613 |
Abramczyk, Joni | Dayton, OH | 1003365198 |
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