Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner health care providers in North Carolina
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 495,967 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In North Carolina, there are about 15,129 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Nurse Practitioner health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Freeman, Nicole Ryba | NP | Charlotte, NC | 1720687593 |
Freeman, Shana Melinda | NP | Lincolnton, NC | 1235714510 |
Freeman, Stephanie Amber | PMHNP | King, NC | 1093226102 |
Freeman, Susan Davenport | APRN | Greenville, NC | 1346266871 |
Freeman, Tekisha Rina | FNP | Fayetteville, NC | 1861035289 |
Freeman, Tonya Marie | Rockingham, NC | 1861072902 |
Freeman, Yvette | NP | Fayetteville, NC | 1821864208 |
Frei, Alicia May | FNP | Raleigh, NC | 1982039103 |
Freiman, Barbara Anne | NP | Cary, NC | 1548328727 |
French, Brittani Katlin | NP | Greenville, NC | 1780160184 |
Frett, Caleb | NP | Greenville, NC | 1861099574 |
Frey, Marie M | FNP | Raleigh, NC | 1508164260 |
Frey, Shannon Leigh | FNP | Garner, NC | 1720691298 |
Friday, Demirah Johnson | NP | Charlotte, NC | 1780298760 |
Friddle, Ashley Goodwin | CPNP | Greensboro, NC | 1548814072 |
Fridley, Triva Posey | NP | Pembroke, NC | 1821611559 |
Friedman, Lauren Christine | NP | Chapel Hill, NC | 1275940983 |
Friedman, Marian | RN | Greensboro, NC | 1649937020 |
Friend, Natalie Kay | FNP | Greenville, NC | 1144986506 |
Friesner, Stacy Ann | CNP | Statesville, NC | 1649250119 |
Frisby, Pamela Madden | RN | Marshall, NC | 1669786216 |
Frock, Brittany Watson | NNP-BC | Raleigh, NC | 1366941965 |
Front Porch Wellness | Stony Point, NC | 1215568217 |
Frost, Micaela | CPNP | Smithfield, NC | 1730842071 |
Frost, Nicole | NP | Morehead City, NC | 1598195182 |
Fry, Corey William | NP | Durham, NC | 1609177708 |
Fryar, Danielle | FNP | Wilmington, NC | 1972954196 |
Fryar-Robinson, Charmay Deneen | Eastover, NC | 1831738178 |
Frye, Amanda Keesler | FNP | Concord, NC | 1275906778 |
Frye, Elicia Melton | NP | Gastonia, NC | 1285370247 |
Frye, Jennifer | FNP | Cary, NC | 1083039010 |
Frye, Lakisha Elena | NP | Charlotte, NC | 1720588684 |
Frye, Nancy Elizabeth | FNP | Winston Salem, NC | 1134298052 |
Fu, Xiao | Chapel Hill, NC | 1629293725 |
Fubara, Taiwo Adeblola | Dunn, NC | 1518554617 |
Fuentes, Leslie | CPNP | Fort Bragg, NC | 1497009138 |
Fulford, Wendy Sue | NP | New Bern, NC | 1154361129 |
Fulghum, Brittany Wooten | AGNP | Wilson, NC | 1730706888 |
Fulk, Whitney Roberts | FNP | Winston Salem, NC | 1528773181 |
Fulkersin, Bryan | FNP | Hickory, NC | 1376990457 |
Fulks, Kashari | NURSE PRACTITIONER | Salisbury, NC | 1003428293 |
Fullar, Suzanne A. | RN | Waynesville, NC | 1295854115 |
Fuller Primary Care Pllc | Mcleansville, NC | 1841434941 |
Fuller, Emily West | NP | Winston Salem, NC | 1467237586 |
Fuller, Kathryn Elisabeth | NP | High Point, NC | 1881331593 |
Fuller, Monica M | Durham, NC | 1215512074 |
Fuller, Susan A | NP | Asheboro, NC | 1013082288 |
Fuller, Susan Rutkowski | NURSE PRACTITIONER | Clayton, NC | 1669090783 |
Fuller, Tiffany | Waynesville, NC | 1073229555 |
Fuller, Torica | APRN | Fayetteville, NC | 1265853048 |
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