Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers / Foot & Ankle Surgery health care providers in Florida
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 18,439 Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers / Foot & Ankle Surgery doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Florida, there are about 1,800 Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers / Foot & Ankle Surgery health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
A Step Ahead Fl Llc | Sebastian, FL | 1033751458 |
A.Desrosiers Iii, M.D., Corp | South Miami, FL | 1073064382 |
Abady, Robert | DPM | Saint Petersburg, FL | 1598767907 |
Abboud Foot & Ankle Associates Llc | Tampa, FL | 1861436693 |
Abboud Foot & Ankle Associates, Llc | Zephyrhills, FL | 1790871317 |
Abboud, Mazen A | DPM | Dade City, FL | 1669417143 |
Abc Feet Inc | Jacksonville, FL | 1114487311 |
Abercrombie, Melissa | Bay Pines, FL | 1942458294 |
Abrantes, Pedro | DPM | Miami, FL | 1942476320 |
Abrebaya, Alberto | DPM | Miami, FL | 1417919242 |
Absoluchas Llc | Merritt Island, FL | 1841423035 |
Absolute Foot & Ankle Specialists Inc | Coral Gables, FL | 1265613921 |
Absolute Foot & Ankle Specialists Inc | Miami, FL | 1487217287 |
Abuamaish, Mohammad Majed | DPM | Tampa, FL | 1073398954 |
Academia Foot & Ankle Associates Llc | North Miami Beach, FL | 1033379318 |
Adam J Katz Dpm Pa | Boynton Beach, FL | 1467676429 |
Adamov, Donald John | DPM | Spring Hill, FL | 1487635470 |
Adams, Jenny Wawrzyniak | DPM | Naples, FL | 1114155678 |
Adarve Orthofoot And Ankle, Pa | Miami, FL | 1376926857 |
Adarve, Diego Luis | DPM | Miami, FL | 1720155179 |
Adigweme, Ugochukwu Chidozie | DPM | Casselberry, FL | 1467945642 |
Adler Podiatry Clinic Pllc | Jacksonville, FL | 1689942302 |
Adler Podiatry Clinic Pllc | Jacksonville Beach, FL | 1922370618 |
Adler Podiatry Clinic Pllc | Jacksonville Beach, FL | 1477814176 |
Adler, John J | DPM | Cape Coral, FL | 1306802921 |
Adler, Laura | DPM | Boca Raton, FL | 1255890059 |
Adnan Shariff Dpm Pllc | Okeechobbee, FL | 1184813701 |
Adnan Shariff Dpm Pllc | Okeechobee, FL | 1669625562 |
Adnan Shariff Dpm Pllc | Okeechobee, FL | 1205089943 |
Adnan Shariff Dpm Pllc | Jupiter, FL | 1821241118 |
Adnan Shariff Dpm Pllc | Okeechobee, FL | 1275786568 |
Adnan Shariff Dpm Pllc | Fort Pierce, FL | 1154555332 |
Adnan Shariff Inc | Clewiston, FL | 1538314919 |
Adnan Shariff, Inc | Okeechobee, FL | 1457506834 |
Adnan Shariff, Inc | South Pasadena, FL | 1992574222 |
Adnan Shariff, Inc | Largo, FL | 1801665138 |
Advanced Agility Foot & Ankle, Llc | Kissimmee, FL | 1346731742 |
Advanced Foot & Ankle Of Central Florida | Ocoee, FL | 1861646002 |
Advanced Foot And Ankle Specialists Pa | Stuart, FL | 1437277522 |
Advanced Orthopaedics Inc | Lake Worth, FL | 1205847456 |
Advanced Podiatry And Neuropathy Center Llc | Fort Myers, FL | 1639894702 |
Advanced Podiatry Group Llc | Orlando, FL | 1427404326 |
Advanced Wound Care Of North Florida, Llc | Jacksonville, FL | 1477946820 |
Adventist Health Systems Sunbelt Inc | Orlando, FL | 1497850432 |
Aedo, Andrea Paula | DPM | Pembroke Pines, FL | 1154552537 |
Afesllari, Endri | DPM | Zephyrhills, FL | 1154717312 |
Agarunov, Konstantin | DPM | Miami, FL | 1194130211 |
Ahmed, Areeba | DPM | West Palm Beach, FL | 1528459484 |
Ahmed, Rishad Sultan | DPM | North Lauderdale, FL | 1578918470 |
Aiken, Maurice Warren | DPM | Dunedin, FL | 1528063179 |
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