Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers / Foot Surgery health care providers
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 4,047 Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers / Foot Surgery doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Downtown Skyway Foot Specialists Inc | Minneapolis, MN | 1053392027 |
Doyle, David R | DPM | La Grange, IL | 1124067624 |
Dr Anchal Dureja Dpm, Llc | Ashburn, VA | 1093240798 |
Dr Anika T Whitfield Llc | Little Rock, AR | 1003074477 |
Dr Diresta And Associates Pllc | Newburyport, MA | 1831507284 |
Dr Dorothy J Powell Pc | Temple Hills, MD | 1740623909 |
Dr Greg Davies & Dr Sharone Stern | Syosset, NY | 1164806758 |
Dr Jay R Newman Pa | Delray Beach, FL | 1437289451 |
Dr Jonathan J Gisclair Apmc Dba Lafourche Podiatry Clinic | Cut Off, LA | 1386832822 |
Dr Julie Jurd Pc | Urbana, MD | 1720006851 |
Dr Lawrence & Ira Cohen | Brooklyn, NY | 1962648204 |
Dr Lawrence S Lipson Dpm Pc | Farmington Hills, MI | 1619186509 |
Dr Lorell Fawson Dpm | Ogden, UT | 1760664668 |
Dr Mark F Ellis Dpma Professional Medical Corporation | Lafayette, LA | 1811934268 |
Dr Michael Cohn Pc | Albuquerque, NM | 1083885388 |
Dr Paul E Sullivan | Hamilton, NJ | 1508900531 |
Dr Richard J Depalma | Neptune, NJ | 1750565115 |
Dr Richard Keh Pc | San Antonio, TX | 1063530103 |
Dr Robert M Davidson | Margate, FL | 1659456820 |
Dr Robert T Woltman Dpm,Pc | Bronx, NY | 1073783270 |
Dr Robert Woodruff Dpm Pa | Bolton, MS | 1083882385 |
Dr. Brian Kashan, D.P.M., Pa | Baltimore, MD | 1851521058 |
Dr. Cheryl Haag & Associates | Hatboro, PA | 1245242304 |
Dr. Darlyne Cange, Dpm, Llc | Baltimore, MD | 1538312194 |
Dr. Darlyne Cange, Dpm, Llc | Baltimore, MD | 1538312764 |
Dr. David Plotkin P.A. | Springfield, NJ | 1538480678 |
Dr. David R. Levin | Laguna Niguel, CA | 1396936381 |
Dr. Dionne R. Nolan, Inc | Dubach, LA | 1467224329 |
Dr. Donald J. Schneekloth, D.P.M. | Neenah, WI | 1780878454 |
Dr. Dorothy A. Mccarthy,P.C. | Hyde Park, MA | 1215067020 |
Dr. Duane A. Mckinney, Llc | Lanham, MD | 1528170594 |
Dr. Elisa Kavanagh, D.P.M. | Scarsdale, NY | 1619381589 |
Dr. Enrico Caprioni D.P.M. Pc | Brooklyn, NY | 1053548719 |
Dr. Essam Khedr, Dpm, Llc | Athol, MA | 1376834515 |
Dr. George S Tellam | Orange Park, FL | 1730365834 |
Dr. Gerald A. Esmond, Dpm,Pc | Riverhead, NY | 1811194137 |
Dr. Gordon J. Berg & Dr. Kenneth Moskowitz | Bayside, NY | 1144434879 |
Dr. John J. Hickey, D.P.M., P.L.L.C. | Levittown, NY | 1396895017 |
Dr. Joseph W. Bozek Jr P.C. | Beaver, PA | 1427239367 |
Dr. Karen E. Anderson, Apc | La Mesa, CA | 1043559859 |
Dr. Kent Biehler Llc | Adel, GA | 1023618048 |
Dr. Mariola Rivera Podiatry, Pllc | White Plains, NY | 1396233664 |
Dr. Melva L. Baker Podiatry, Pc | New York, NY | 1942630884 |
Dr. Melva L. Baker Podiatry, Pc | New Rochelle, NY | 1649806555 |
Dr. Michael Wooster, Dpm Pc | Medford, NY | 1134300742 |
Dr. Michael Wooster, Dpm Pc | Farmingdale, NY | 1275781460 |
Dr. Paul A. Weiner, Pa | Delray Beach, FL | 1093148272 |
Dr. Phillip F. Morreale P.C. | Palos Heights, IL | 1578585444 |
Dr. Richard L. Kuhn | Valley, AL | 1407080278 |
Dr. Robert A Shemwell, Dpm | N Kansas City, MO | 1982810222 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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