Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Massage Therapist health care providers in Michigan
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 68,403 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Massage Therapist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Michigan, there are about 1,883 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Massage Therapist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
640Rx Plc | Fruitport, MI | 1326506742 |
A Different Touch, Llc | Grosse Pointe Farms, MI | 1982988002 |
A Family Senior Care Service | Chesterfield, MI | 1558755355 |
A Plus Therapeutic Massage | Grand Blanc, MI | 1356010508 |
A1 Marketing Force, Llc | Livonia, MI | 1225301286 |
A2 Integrative Wellness, Llc | Commerce Township, MI | 1588331573 |
Abby D Center, Inc. | Petoskey, MI | 1780687095 |
Abdel-Messieh, Heba | LMT | Portage, MI | 1851981583 |
Acs, John George | LMT | Auburn Hills, MI | 1326777020 |
Adams Smith, Hope-Zenobia | Southfield, MI | 1619726809 |
Adams-Freund, Emmaleigh Faith | MASSAGE THERAPIST | Lapeer, MI | 1962245183 |
Adesina, Khia S | LMT | Southfield, MI | 1568057818 |
Adkins, Garry Al | BCTMB | Southfield, MI | 1982182739 |
Adrian Massage Therapy | Adrian, MI | 1538609490 |
Adrian Therapeutic Massage | Adrian, MI | 1194168799 |
Adufutse, Mianne Afua | LMT | Sterling Heights, MI | 1417553140 |
Advancd Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Center | Saginaw, MI | 1588807812 |
Advance Health Care System, Llc | West Bloomfield, MI | 1295090793 |
Advanced Center Therapy Llc | Bad Axe, MI | 1912578980 |
Advanced Holistic Health | Wyandotte, MI | 1881224749 |
Advanced Therapy Group, Llc | Traverse City, MI | 1326391137 |
Advanced Wellness Connection Of Mi Llc | Huntington Woods, MI | 1154559607 |
Aegis Health Perspectives, Inc. | Livonia, MI | 1275008989 |
Agape Massage Therapy And Chiropractic Pllc | Clinton Township, MI | 1891049367 |
Agee, Jodie | LMT | Grand Haven, MI | 1689057846 |
Agee, William | LMT | Rockford, MI | 1740055474 |
Akers, Rebecca | Marquette, MI | 1225373087 |
Alastor Home Care, Llc | Livonia, MI | 1053088278 |
Albright, Julie Ann | Jonesville, MI | 1386138386 |
Aldaghma, Maha | Rochester Hills, MI | 1942759055 |
Aldrich, Patricia | DN | Lake Orion, MI | 1972883866 |
Alexander, Jessica S | LMT | Grand Rapids, MI | 1043860976 |
Alexander, Monica L | LMT, LE | Detroit, MI | 1518469253 |
Ali, Brandy Nicole | Detroit, MI | 1760071419 |
All In One Therapy | Southfield, MI | 1164989422 |
All Natural Healing Llc | Dearborn, MI | 1043788433 |
Allen, O'Lesa Dennette | Southfield, MI | 1396207668 |
Allen, Renee Marie | MA | Petoskey, MI | 1619572724 |
Allied Massage Practices Inc | Sterling Heights, MI | 1992018238 |
Allied Massage Therapy Incorporated | Sterling Heights, MI | 1114073608 |
Alqazaha, Elias G | LMT | Flushing, MI | 1194338640 |
Alter, Donald | HT | Saint Clair Shores, MI | 1942662648 |
Altmaier, Courtney | LMT | Cedarville, MI | 1588264238 |
Altman, Jessica | LMT | Allendale, MI | 1407518608 |
American Healthcore Llc | Flint, MI | 1801575881 |
Amerson, Latina Jennifer | C.M.T | Keego Harbor, MI | 1669811162 |
Andaya, Michael | Ann Arbor, MI | 1598435968 |
Anderson, Alexandra | Carsonville, MI | 1871943605 |
Anderson, Amber Marie | Grand Blanc, MI | 1316530538 |
Anderson, Christine | LMT | Kalamazoo, MI | 1205596178 |
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