Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Rehabilitation Counselor health care providers
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 3,845 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Rehabilitation Counselor doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Cape Services, Llc | Dallas, TX | 1699003954 |
Capers, Sharonda | San Pedro, CA | 1083072821 |
Capestany Cruz, Luis David | M.R.C., C.G.G. | Portland, OR | 1568831444 |
Caporale, Susan Rosalyn | San Jose, CA | 1326462565 |
Caraballo, Dana Marie | CRC, LMHC | Ridgewood, NY | 1790255057 |
Carchedi, Dennis Robert | Plymouth, MA | 1275710709 |
Cardenas, Jordana Renee | El Centro, CA | 1962047050 |
Cardenas, Vanesa | Paradise, CA | 1174821110 |
Cardoza, Joaquin Jose | El Centro, CA | 1124665443 |
Carey, Chris D | MHRS | Red Bluff, CA | 1811066640 |
Carland, Inga Ann | Colorado Springs, CO | 1063125631 |
Carlson, Kathryn Quinn | Los Angeles, CA | 1861147936 |
Carolina Rehabilitation Consultants, Llc | North Charleston, SC | 1811543663 |
Carpenter, Karen Sue | Madison, WI | 1568484350 |
Carpenters Services | Washington, DC | 1447981469 |
Carpenters Services | Washington, DC | 1598499089 |
Carrera Diaz, Kenia | PH.D. | Los Angeles, CA | 1518534593 |
Carrillo, Cassandra M | LCSW | Roswell, NM | 1497258362 |
Carrillo, Luke Ignacio | LPC | Stillwater, OK | 1134475197 |
Carrington, Monica | LPC | Belleville, MI | 1295024982 |
Carrol, Margaret Ann | LPC | Houston, TX | 1932353968 |
Carruthers, Darlene Mae | Buffalo, NY | 1255897344 |
Carson, Yun Jin | MSW, ASW | Oakland, CA | 1982925426 |
Carter, Christina Louise | LCMHC, CRC | Cary, NC | 1104343516 |
Carter, Dl | Las Vegas, NV | 1740761733 |
Carter, Elijah Lee | LPC | Grovetown, GA | 1982211520 |
Carter, Jessica | CRC | Naylor, GA | 1992340392 |
Carter, Latonya Ann | Wake Forest, NC | 1356620991 |
Carter, Leonard A | Evanston, IL | 1194477364 |
Casey, Stephanie Marie | Chico, CA | 1023184447 |
Cash, Rodrick | Monticello, NY | 1902285778 |
Cashen, Joan Audrey | Berkeley, CA | 1720789159 |
Casillas, Lissett | Hinsdale, IL | 1235977257 |
Cassidy, Christopher M | PEER | Greeley, CO | 1952792913 |
Casson, James Gerard | MS | San Diego, CA | 1568787273 |
Castaneda, Barbara Natalie | Brawley, CA | 1255697553 |
Castaneda, Karen | Las Vegas, NV | 1114524295 |
Castaneda, Richard | Palmdale, CA | 1245952860 |
Castaneda-Melendez, Claudia | Sparks, NV | 1487990073 |
Castano, Erica Ruiz | San Diego, CA | 1962844076 |
Castillo, Anissa Anne | El Centro, CA | 1811531726 |
Castillo, Nisom Andrew Reyes | Olympia, WA | 1043829419 |
Castillo, Patricia Adriela | El Centro, CA | 1720262306 |
Castro, Francisco J | El Centro, CA | 1215062427 |
Castro, Michaelle | El Centro, CA | 1932811494 |
Caswell, Paulette R. | PH.D. | Los Angeles, CA | 1558549816 |
Catalyst Crossroads, Llc | Mt Lebanon, PA | 1689923377 |
Catlett, Heather A. | CRC | Kalispell, MT | 1699370841 |
Caudle, Kristy R | Oklahoma City, OK | 1083967848 |
Cauley, Cameron | Tempe, AZ | 1427791862 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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