Technologists, Technicians & Other Technical Service Providers / Magnetic Resonance Imaging health care providers in Texas
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 541 Technologists, Technicians & Other Technical Service Providers / Magnetic Resonance Imaging doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Texas, there are about 71 Technologists, Technicians & Other Technical Service Providers / Magnetic Resonance Imaging health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Adams, Rodney L | Waxahachie, TX | 1457126286 |
Alvin Mri & Diagnostic | Webster, TX | 1659319564 |
Bateman, Christopher Noel | Houston, TX | 1548370943 |
Baylen Diagnostic Llc | Dallas, TX | 1598917916 |
Bhupesh Hasmukh Dihenia Md Pa | Lubbock, TX | 1841474327 |
Campbell Rd. Medical Imaging, Llc | Richardson, TX | 1467599019 |
Central Diagnostic Imaging Of Brownsville Llc | Brownsville, TX | 1891829040 |
Clear Choice Imaging Of Macarthur Llc | Irving, TX | 1740924349 |
Coit Diagnostic Services, Llc | Richardson, TX | 1093890931 |
Comprehensive Diagnostic Imaging, Llc | Dallas, TX | 1417032350 |
Ct Medical Group | Pearland, TX | 1508463415 |
Delagarza, Shawn C | CEO,COO | Mcallen, TX | 1043375124 |
Delvecchio, Tahari Sephora | MRT | College Station, TX | 1124805098 |
Duchatellier, Martial | RT | Sugar Land, TX | 1801191150 |
Figueroa, Manuel | RT | Harlingen, TX | 1043533698 |
First Diagnostic Imaging Services, Llc | Richardson, TX | 1467537308 |
Forest Lane Imaging Partners | Dallas, TX | 1629255930 |
Galaxy Mri And Diagnostic Center | Mesquite, TX | 1528121340 |
Garza, Lisa Marie | R,T.(R)(MR) | Big Spring, TX | 1013214899 |
Gulf Gate Mri | Houston, TX | 1497281257 |
Guzman, Elizabeth N/A | El Paso, TX | 1760221246 |
Haidyn Imaging Services, Llc | Richardson, TX | 1982789822 |
Hernandez, Roberto | El Paso, TX | 1144685322 |
Hill Country Mri Partners I, Ltd. | Boerne, TX | 1962688820 |
Hill, Edwina | (R)(MR)(CT) | Houston, TX | 1093817694 |
Houston Medical Diagnostics | Houston, TX | 1013910991 |
Houston Medical Diagnostics | Houston, TX | 1629074786 |
Jar Enterprices Inc | San Antonio, TX | 1205946183 |
Jrg Medical Equipment Lp | Brownsville, TX | 1164813283 |
Kelley, Kristie | RT | Beaumont, TX | 1326315359 |
Lakewood Imaging Associates, Llc | Dallas, TX | 1063553170 |
Mana Mri, Lc | Houston, TX | 1801903133 |
Master Imaging, Llc | Pearland, TX | 1578565396 |
Mcallen Mri, Llc | Mcallen, TX | 1245428465 |
Mcallen Mri, Llc | Mcallen, TX | 1932360021 |
Mcallen South Open Mri Lp | Mcallen, TX | 1568407617 |
Medical Imagers Ii Lp | Corpus Christi, TX | 1780700880 |
Mid-Cities Imaging, L.P. | Arlington, TX | 1770610685 |
Mid-Cities Imaging, L.P. | Desoto, TX | 1477726123 |
Moa Medical Management, Llc | Dallas, TX | 1083773709 |
North Dallas Imaging Providers, Llc | Richardson, TX | 1851582084 |
Opensided Mri Of San Antonio Llc | San Antonio, TX | 1417984493 |
Opus Mri And Diagnostic | Houston, TX | 1215479845 |
Orp Medical Management | Houston, TX | 1881943827 |
Park Central Imaging Llc | Plano, TX | 1326225707 |
Perry, Maureen Sineade | ARRT | Beaumont, TX | 1710526090 |
Phillips, Jalene W | JALENE PHILLIPS | Fort Worth, TX | 1598968018 |
Preferred Imaging At Casa Linda Plaza Ltd | Dallas, TX | 1164507091 |
Preferred Imaging At The Medical Center Ltd | Dallas, TX | 1992880827 |
Preferred Imaging Heb, Lp | Hurst, TX | 1558423798 |
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