Residential Treatment Facilities
- Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility
Residential Treatment Facilities
NPI Lookup for Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 12,444 substance abuse rehabilitation facility organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
Crisis Mobile Outreach-CamhdLBN: Aloha House
Makawao, HI |
1457642076 |
Anderson, Annie Bernadette
Mililani, HI |
1750691481 |
Baumann, Jeffrey James
Kahuku, HI |
1740629310 |
Bobby Benson CenterLBN: Bobby Benson Center
Kahuku, HI |
1306904461 |
Community Empowerment ResourcesLBN: Community Empowerment Resources
Honolulu, HI |
1629834924 |
Behavioral Health HawaiiLBN: Debra Bayer Inc
Kihei, HI |
1346793114 |
Dynamic Healing CenterLBN: Dynamic Healing Center
Honolulu, HI |
1548934201 |
Graham, Morris Angus
Kahuku, HI |
1194054296 |
Hawaii Island Recovery, LlcLBN: Hawaii Island Recovery, Llc
Kailua Kona, HI |
1952618357 |
He Ala Hou O Ke Ola IncLBN: He Ala Hou O Ke Ola Inc
Honolulu, HI |
1932960374 |
Ho'Omau Ke OlaLBN: Ho'Omau Ke Ola
Waianae, HI |
1194883553 |
Ihs The Institute For Human Services IncLBN: Ihs The Institute For Human Services Inc
Honolulu, HI |
1275381592 |
Izumi, Harumi
Kailua, HI |
1063887891 |
The Sand Island Treatment CenterLBN: Kline-Welsh Behavioral Health Fondation
Honolulu, HI |
1578689816 |
Malama Recovery Hi LlcLBN: Malama Recovery Hi Llc
Honolulu, HI |
1720774144 |
Mana Recovery LlcLBN: Mana Recovery Llc
Wailuku, HI |
1588394472 |
Marimed FoundationLBN: Marimed Foundation For Island Health Care Training
Kaneohe, HI |
1740454594 |
Maui Recovery Services LlcLBN: Maui Recovery Services Llc
Lahaina, HI |
1942059183 |
Maui Treatment CentersLBN: Maui Treatment Centers
Wailuku, HI |
1992106660 |
Maui Youth And Family Services IncLBN: Maui Youth And Family Services Inc
Makawao, HI |
1205838539 |
Narconon HawaiiLBN: Narconon Hawaii
Kapolei, HI |
1598902744 |
New Leaf Treatment Centre LlcLBN: New Leaf Treatment Centre Llc
Wahiawa, HI |
1215474317 |
Paradise Recovery, LlcLBN: Paradise Recovery, Llc
Honolulu, HI |
1235329897 |
Pasi, Sela Tupou
Kahuku, HI |
1851178099 |
Dba The Exclusive Addiction Treatment CenterLBN: Power On Coaching, Inc.
Hakalau, HI |
1528453669 |
Providence TreatmentLBN: Providence Living Llc
Honolulu, HI |
1003413097 |
Resilience Through ChoiceLBN: Resilience Through Choice
Pearl City, HI |
1366083453 |
Salvation Army AtsLBN: Salvation Army Addiction Treatment Services
Honolulu, HI |
1871660902 |
Hina MaukaLBN: The Alcoholic Rehabilitation Services Of Hawaii Inc
Kaneohe, HI |
1740358118 |
The Bobby Benson CenterLBN: The Bobby Benson Center
Kahuku, HI |
1033366216 |
The Bobby Benson CenterLBN: The Bobby Benson Center
Kahuku, HI |
1316277072 |
The Ohana Addiction Treatment CenterLBN: The Ohana Retreat Llc
Kailua Kona, HI |
1477151249 |
The Ohana Addiction Treatment CenterLBN: The Ohana Retreat Llc
Kailua Kona, HI |
1386236966 |
The Salvation Army Family Treatment ServicesLBN: The Salvation Army
Honolulu, HI |
1780706176 |
The Salvation Army - Family Intervention SvcsLBN: The Salvation Army
Hilo, HI |
1184101446 |
The Scott Recovery RetreatLBN: The Scott Recovery Retreat
Kilauea, HI |
1699065599 |
United States Veterans InitiativeLBN: United States Veterans Initiative
Kapolei, HI |
1467045138 |
Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.