Respite Care Facility
- Respite Care, Mental Illness, Child
Respite Care Facility
NPI Lookup for Respite Care, Mental Illness, Child doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 1,180 respite care, mental illness, child organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
360 Total Care LlcLBN: 360 Total Care Llc
Dayton, OH |
1982166567 |
A Private Place LlcLBN: A Private Place Llc
Dayton, OH |
1558778084 |
Adino Homehealth And Medical Supplies LlcLBN: Adino Homehealth And Medical Supplies Llc
Fairfield Twp, OH |
1386418622 |
Angles, Andrew Bryant
Urbana, OH |
1730928250 |
Anne Grady Day ProgramLBN: Anne Grady Day Program
Holland, OH |
1245305002 |
Another Perspective Of Life, Inc.LBN: Another Perspective Of Life, Inc.
Dayton, OH |
1972261790 |
Bassett, Shannon Renee
North Olmsted, OH |
1720865215 |
Monarch Boarding Academy - SouthLBN: Bellefaire Jcb
Shaker Heights, OH |
1457747537 |
Monarch Boarding Academy - EastLBN: Bellefaire Jcb
Shaker Heights, OH |
1093111981 |
Monarch Boarding Academy - WestLBN: Bellefaire Jcb
Shaker Heights, OH |
1497151104 |
Monarch Boarding Academy - NorthLBN: Bellefaire Jcb
Shaker Heights, OH |
1497151112 |
Better Life Residential Services LlcLBN: Better Life Residential Services Llc
Canton, OH |
1508635913 |
Boots, Robin L
Urbana, OH |
1568206407 |
Bowen, Virginia Margaret
Ironton, OH |
1831870112 |
Care Affiliates Behavioral Health Services LlcLBN: Care Affiliates Behavioral Health Services Llc
Cleveland, OH |
1588402168 |
Conway, Jermetra
Columbus, OH |
1548969587 |
Cunningham, Jamelia Cheri
Bedford, OH |
1790560688 |
D & K Abundant Life LlcLBN: D & K Abundant Life Llc
Canton, OH |
1649024795 |
Bring Back The HatsLBN: Denise Presley
Toledo, OH |
1700292604 |
Doughman, Crystal
Cincinnati, OH |
1154924116 |
Ellis, Jameela
Columbus, OH |
1053909861 |
Freckled With Care LlcLBN: Freckled With Care Llc
Columbus, OH |
1982311148 |
Granat, Randi
Loveland, OH |
1316709090 |
Harper, Micheala
Akron, OH |
1730841594 |
Hayworth, Shamika Denise
Lorain, OH |
1326799040 |
Houston, Karen Renee
Dayton, OH |
1619276680 |
I Love Healthcare LlcLBN: I Love Healthcare Llc
Parma, OH |
1255116869 |
Inez Place Adult CareLBN: Inez Place Adult Care
Cleveland, OH |
1649046988 |
James C Caldwell Community CenterLBN: James C Caldwell Community Center
Toledo, OH |
1104054576 |
Jenny'S Home Care ServicesLBN: Jenny'S Home Care Services Llc
Cincinnati, OH |
1598451080 |
Johnson, Kima Lashawn
Canton, OH |
1053002949 |
Kare Kompanions LlcLBN: Kare Kompanions Llc
Cincinnati, OH |
1174396709 |
Kearns, Debra Beckett
Aberdeen, OH |
1851080402 |
Kindred KareLBN: Kindred Kare
Barberton, OH |
1962256693 |
A New DayLBN: Lakewood Foundation
Lakewood, OH |
1851598494 |
Life Simplified, LlcLBN: Life Simplified, Llc
Canton, OH |
1902428758 |
Live Up Behavioral HealthLBN: Live Up Behavioral Health
Lexington, OH |
1063262376 |
Majestic Equine Connections, Inc.LBN: Majestic Equine Connections, Inc.
Seville, OH |
1720787963 |
Makridis Learning, LlcLBN: Makridis Learning, Llc
Columbus, OH |
1306600036 |
Matthew, Ayauana
Cincinnati, OH |
1528849908 |
Matthews, Ametrious
Columbus, OH |
1134704455 |
Mcintosh, Robert S
Dayton, OH |
1083216972 |
Miller, Rachel
Canton, OH |
1992427819 |
Mindright, Inc.LBN: Mindright, Inc.
Dayton, OH |
1356913396 |
Murray, Asha
Cincinnati, OH |
1235819319 |
Nicole Brooke JamesLBN: Nicole Brooke James
Portsmouth, OH |
1407115850 |
Pearson, Alexandria
Euclid, OH |
1972346864 |
Purecare LlcLBN: Purecare Llc
Toledo, OH |
1982213526 |
Redman, Amy E
Lima, OH |
1477302826 |
Sadler, Ja Nique Wanise
Columbus, OH |
1861104259 |
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Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.