- Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy
NPI Lookup for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 336 department of veterans affairs (va) pharmacy organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
Lakeland Va Clinic PharmacyLBN: Tampa Vamc
Lakeland, FL |
1922846716 |
Tap-AlertLBN: Tap-Alert
Shreveport, LA |
1871905992 |
Austin Vamc PharmacyLBN: Temple Vamc
Austin, TX |
1538126651 |
Waco Vamc PharmacyLBN: Temple Vamc
Waco, TX |
1013965235 |
Temple Vamc PharmacyLBN: Temple Vamc
Temple, TX |
1952359432 |
Thompson, Alex J
Fresno, CA |
1508514258 |
Togus Vamc PharmacyLBN: Togus Vamc
Augusta, ME |
1407804537 |
Tomah Vamc PharmacyLBN: Tomah Vamc
Tomah, WI |
1598713778 |
Tucson Vamc PharmacyLBN: Tucson Vamc
Tucson, AZ |
1811945090 |
Tuscaloosa Vamc PharmacyLBN: Tuscaloosa Vamc
Tuscaloosa, AL |
1295783470 |
Tuscon Va CmopLBN: Tuscon Va Cmop
Tucson, AZ |
1629026489 |
Uniqstic LlcLBN: Uniqstic Llc
Winter Park, FL |
1407616998 |
Va Medical Center Memphis PharmacyLBN: Va Medical Center Memphis Pharmacy
Memphis, TN |
1275750192 |
Va Outpatiient ClinicLBN: Va Outpatiient Clinic
Beaumont, TX |
1861665572 |
Va Vcs PhcyLBN: Va Vcs Phcy
Dallas, TX |
1083728075 |
Amex Compounding PharmacyLBN: Vetrxmeds Inc
Houston, TX |
1124374905 |
Lifespan Home MedicalLBN: Vna Technicare, Inc.
Providence, RI |
1396744173 |
Walgreens PharmacyLBN: Walgreens Pharmacy
Bridgeton, MO |
1366824351 |
Walla Walla Vamc PharmacyLBN: Walla Walla Vamc
Walla Walla, WA |
1477501666 |
Washington Dc Vamc PharmacyLBN: Washington Dc Vamc
Washington, DC |
1235187428 |
Wehr, Lisa Marie
Ann Arbor, MI |
1093345282 |
Newington Va Clinic PharmacyLBN: West Haven Vamc
Newington, CT |
1821056086 |
West Haven Vamc PharmacyLBN: West Haven Vamc
West Haven, CT |
1144278649 |
Sepulveda Va Cboc PharmacyLBN: West Los Angeles Vamc
Sepulveda, CA |
1871551002 |
Los Angeles Va Cboc PharmacyLBN: West Los Angeles Vamc
Los Angeles, CA |
1396793428 |
Bakersfield Va Cboc PharmacyLBN: West Los Angeles Vamc
Bakersfield, CA |
1427006634 |
Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center (Methadone Pharmacy)LBN: West Los Angeles Vamc
Sepulveda, CA |
1003864851 |
West La Vamc PharmacyLBN: West Los Angeles Vamc
Los Angeles, CA |
1871541268 |
Los Angeles Va Cboc Methadone PharmacyLBN: West Los Angeles Vamc
Los Angeles, CA |
1235187683 |
West La Vamc - Methadone PharmacyLBN: West Los Angeles Vamc
Los Angeles, CA |
1528016862 |
West Palm Beach Vamc PharmacyLBN: West Palm Beach Vamc
West Palm Beach, FL |
1538117734 |
White City Vamc PharmacyLBN: White City Vamc
White City, OR |
1700834900 |
White River Junction Vamc PharmacyLBN: White River Junction Vamc
White River Junction, VT |
1790733996 |
Wilkes Barre Vamc PharmacyLBN: Wilkes Barre Vamc
Wilkes Barre, PA |
1144278342 |
Wilmington De Vamc PharmacyLBN: Wilmington Vamc
Wilmington, DE |
1003864208 |
Das Medical Equipment & SuppliesLBN: World Class Marketing Inc
Hampton, VA |
1467680819 |
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Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.