Transportation Services
- Private Vehicle
Transportation Services
NPI Lookup for Private Vehicle doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 7,074 private vehicle organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
Afra Health Care IncLBN: Afra Health Care Inc
Columbus, OH |
1952187171 |
Afriyie, Shadrack Opoku
Sayreville, NJ |
1407565989 |
Against The Odds Home Health CareLBN: Against The Odds Home Health Care
Warren, OH |
1922888064 |
Agape Community Services LlcLBN: Agape Community Services Llc
Holland, OH |
1598472011 |
Agape Love Transportation Services LlcLBN: Agape Love Transportation Services Llc
Kyle, TX |
1477312098 |
A. O. Transportation ServicesLBN: Agasi Ohanyan
Rocklin, CA |
1124504485 |
Agbam, Don
Richmond, TX |
1467070169 |
Agbim, Godwin I
Richmond, TX |
1942913983 |
Agc TransportLBN: Agc Services
Saddle Brook, NJ |
1295958650 |
Agentic Client Support Services LlcLBN: Agentic Client Support Services Llc
Columbus, OH |
1033789177 |
Aging ServicesLBN: Aging Services
Kissimmee, FL |
1497319156 |
Aguilar, Kevin
Sherman, TX |
1730878349 |
Ahearn, Michelle J
Plainview, NY |
1659055598 |
Ahelpinghand@HomecarellcLBN: Ahelpinghand@Homecarellc
Salisbury, MD |
1205125721 |
Ahles, Debra
Lake Havasu City, AZ |
1265759260 |
Ahmed, Abdi
Minneapolis, MN |
1508222969 |
Ahmed, Abdirizak Mohamed
Grand Forks, ND |
1194508598 |
Ahmed, Contessia
Houston, TX |
1154013688 |
Ahmed, Mahabad
Troy, MI |
1104485614 |
Ahmed, Naveed
Bronx, NY |
1760050686 |
Ahmed, Tanveer
Allen, TX |
1972248748 |
Aiding Hearts Healthcare LlcLBN: Aiding Hearts Healthcare Llc
Cleveland Heights, OH |
1942925680 |
Aims Supported Living, LlcLBN: Aims Supported Living, Llc
Columbus, OH |
1467140558 |
Aims Transit Co.LBN: Aims Transit Co.
Columbus, OH |
1043908130 |
Airport Express Services LlcLBN: Airport Express Services Llc
Springfield, IL |
1033952825 |
Ajrafont LlcLBN: Ajrafont Llc
Bronx, NY |
1609647973 |
Ak Support ServicesLBN: Ak Support Services
Sunrise, FL |
1275911588 |
Akber, Sarah Lynn
Chillicothe, OH |
1386427052 |
Akpata, Agbonifo
Brooklyn, NY |
1891259891 |
Aks TansportationLBN: Aks Tansportation
Hope Valley, RI |
1871868554 |
Al Khalidi, Khalid
Houston, TX |
1679271183 |
Al Kinani, Samo
San Antonio, TX |
1225625254 |
Al Shraah, Musab Mahmoud
Poughkeepsie, NY |
1154005445 |
Alabagi, Saad
Tucson, AZ |
1679845457 |
Alaihaimier, Adam Ismail
Richfield, MN |
1780067249 |
Alakey Express Group LlcLBN: Alakey Express Group Llc
Columbus, OH |
1265143994 |
Alakey Healthcare LlcLBN: Alakey Healthcare Llc
Columbus, OH |
1003519604 |
Alamin, Zudayyah Medina
Newport News, VA |
1376038091 |
Alamo City Transportation LlcLBN: Alamo City Transportation Llc
San Antonio, TX |
1376257519 |
Alayon Care Transportation LlcLBN: Alayon Care Transportation Llc
Clayton, NC |
1689436354 |
Alcorn, Stanley Von
Campbell, MO |
1245874577 |
Ald Groups LlcLBN: Ald Groups Llc
Colonial Heights, VA |
1548842776 |
Aldridge, Brianna A
Houston, TX |
1104314376 |
Aleema-Aart, LlcLBN: Aleema-Aart, Llc
Clayton, MO |
1295445468 |
Alejandre Diaz, Laura Angelica
Menifee, CA |
1952023566 |
Aleman Driving Services CorpLBN: Aleman Driving Services Corp
N Miami Beach, FL |
1598254724 |
Alemayhue, Yohannes Simur
Aurora, CO |
1467078741 |
Alestina All Hours TransportationLBN: Alestina All Hours Transportation
Coral Springs, FL |
1417325150 |
Alexander, Chad R
Ansonia, OH |
1952918500 |
Alexander, Denise Diane
Chicago, IL |
1649987801 |
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Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.