Transportation Services
- Secured Medical Transport (VAN)
Transportation Services
NPI Lookup for Secured Medical Transport (VAN) doctors, physicians and medical groups
NPI Number One (NpiNo.org) helps you easily look up more than 2,288 secured medical transport (van) organizations in the United States of America. NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, representatives, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
Full name |
City / State |
Abc Secure TransportationLBN: Abc Secure Transportation
Mandeville, LA |
1295499614 |
Acadia Council On Aging IncLBN: Acadia Council On Aging Inc
Crowley, LA |
1578951547 |
All Around Town Transportation ServicesLBN: All Around Town Transportation Services
Baton Rouge, LA |
1891287587 |
Anderson Brothers Transportation, LlcLBN: Anderson Brothers Transportation, Llc
Moss Bluff, LA |
1275197907 |
Anderson, Harold
Moss Bluff, LA |
1073079794 |
Berry Popular LlcLBN: Berry Popular Llc
Slidell, LA |
1669924940 |
Blaizin Transportation LlcLBN: Blaizin Transportation Llc
Baton Rouge, LA |
1730846627 |
Buddy Drivers LlcLBN: Buddy Drivers Llc
Ruston, LA |
1639794415 |
C&S Transportation Service LlcLBN: C&S Transportation Service Llc
Bastrop, LA |
1114570835 |
Cameron, Deborah
Waterproof, LA |
1558713784 |
Centurion Transportation LlcLBN: Centurion Transportation Llc
Baton Rouge, LA |
1568921088 |
Coco Heart 2 Heart Transportation Services LlcLBN: Coco Heart 2 Heart Transportation Services Llc
Lake Charles, LA |
1336914704 |
Dorsey & Brewster Transportation LlcLBN: Dorsey & Brewster Transportation Llc
Baton Rouge, LA |
1558037549 |
Evolve Family Life Services LlcLBN: Evolve Family Life Services Llc
Coushatta, LA |
1356060842 |
Frank, Micheal
Breaux Bridge, LA |
1851010961 |
Goodcare Medical TransportationLBN: Goodcare Medical Transportation
New Orleans, LA |
1659740413 |
Guillorys Transportation LlcLBN: Guillorys Transportation Llc
Lake Charles, LA |
1275318883 |
Kaufman, Mark Anthony
Baton Rouge, LA |
1730773870 |
Keho Home Health Care IncLBN: Keho Home Health Care Inc
New Orleans, LA |
1295577740 |
Lewis, Freddie
Carencro, LA |
1093421885 |
Lrt LogisticsLBN: Lrt Logistics
Bastrop, LA |
1568106383 |
Coleman Transport CompanyLBN: M Coleman Enterprises Limited Inc
New Orleans, LA |
1700016920 |
Mitresonz Unlimited LlcLBN: Mitresonz Unlimited Llc
Baton Rouge, LA |
1356186266 |
Montgomery, Ronnie Ray
Kenner, LA |
1073811006 |
Netter, Savannah
Metairie, LA |
1710634894 |
Promise Land Medical Transport LlcLBN: Promise Land Medical Transport Llc
New Iberia, LA |
1073384897 |
R And C 2 Medical TransportationLBN: R And C 2 Medical Transportation
Monroe, LA |
1720762297 |
Randle, Titus
Baton Rouge, LA |
1720544240 |
ReliantLBN: Reliant
Baton Rouge, LA |
1902342181 |
Sec Medical Transportation LlcLBN: Sec Medical Transportation Llc
Baton Rouge, LA |
1972074656 |
Secure Patient Delivery LlcLBN: Secure Patient Delivery Llc
Metairie, LA |
1538515036 |
Secure Patient Delivery Of LafayetteLBN: Secure Patient Delivery Of Lafayette
Lafayette, LA |
1821752288 |
Secure Patient Delivery Of Monroe, LlcLBN: Secure Patient Delivery Of Monroe, Llc
Monroe, LA |
1750047858 |
Secure Patient Delivery Of ShreveportLBN: Secure Patient Delivery Of Shreveport
Shreveport, LA |
1255095923 |
Secure Patient Delivery, LlcLBN: Secure Patient Delivery, Llc
Kenner, LA |
1427356484 |
T & M Non-Emergency Transport Services LlcLBN: T & M Non-Emergency Transport Services Llc
New Orleans, LA |
1306431499 |
The H2O Experience IncLBN: The H2O Experience Inc
Baton Rouge, LA |
1346011400 |
Unique Trades Transportation LlcLBN: Unique Trades Transportation Llc
Baton Rouge, LA |
1508578881 |
V&M Best Care LlcLBN: V&M Best Care Llc
Pineville, LA |
1164271359 |
We Care Transporttion Services LlcLBN: We Care Transporttion Services Llc
Shreveport, LA |
1790229664 |
Women Of Diversity IncLBN: Women Of Diversity Inc
Bossier City, LA |
1073963039 |
Note: Some doctors, physicians or health care providers with NPI numbers may be practicing in countries outisde the United States or within the U.S. armed forces. Because of this, they are unable to be categorized by state. You may still search for them using our popular NPI lookup service.