Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical Child & Adolescent health care providers in California
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 10,027 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical Child & Adolescent doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In California, there are about 1,415 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical Child & Adolescent health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
A New Path Family Therapy, Pc | La Mesa, CA | 1487308672 |
A New Path Psychotherapy, Apc | La Mesa, CA | 1043979347 |
Abalo-Dehmer, Elena Margarita | PH.D. | Anaheim, CA | 1942406368 |
Abrams, Theresa Ann | PH.D. | San Jose, CA | 1578627956 |
Accent On Wellness Psychology Associates, Inc. | Torrance, CA | 1265941165 |
Accurso, Erin C. | PH.D. | San Francisco, CA | 1306075486 |
Ach, Emily Lauren | PHD | Palo Alto, CA | 1619203189 |
Acker, Chelsea Kirstin | PSYD | Oakland, CA | 1841785284 |
Acorn Integrative Psychotherapy | Fullerton, CA | 1184477093 |
Act5 Community Liaison Corp | Palos Verdes Pen, CA | 1568222776 |
Adams, Hilary | PHD | Los Angeles, CA | 1609242999 |
Adeniranye, Olabanji | PSY | San Diego, CA | 1033623996 |
Adery, Laura L | PHD | Los Angeles, CA | 1568082113 |
Adkins Singh, Ashvind N. | PHD | Long Beach, CA | 1336429000 |
Advanced Research Center, Inc. | Anaheim, CA | 1619100260 |
Advances In Mental Health And Addictions Treatment, Inc | Long Beach, CA | 1770022238 |
Advances In Mental Health& Addictions Treatment, Inc | Long Beach, CA | 1942529037 |
Aguilar Silvan, Yesenia | Santa Monica, CA | 1447972724 |
Aguilar, Renee Maria | PSY | San Carlos, CA | 1134376791 |
Aguillon, Steve | PSY | La Habra Heights, CA | 1316726151 |
Ahn, Randall Lee | PHD, MLIS | Fontana, CA | 1093939399 |
Ahw Institute, Llc | Long Beach, CA | 1922559913 |
Akagha, Benard U | PSYCHOLOGIST | Corcoran, CA | 1144438607 |
Alba, Michael | PSY | Granada Hills, CA | 1043399959 |
Alcantara, Darcy | PH.D | Orange, CA | 1639427511 |
Alleman, Duane Paul | PH.D. | Pasadena, CA | 1013031228 |
Allen, Jazman | Huntington Beach, CA | 1649726696 |
Allison Kawa, Psy.D. & Associates, A Psychological Corporation | Los Angeles, CA | 1861732141 |
Alongside Psychological Services Inc. | Santa Monica, CA | 1083345599 |
Alpern, Adrianne | PH.D | Orange, CA | 1932467354 |
Alter, Gregory Seth | PH.D. | Oakland, CA | 1528168366 |
Amariglio, Nelly | PHD | Los Angeles, CA | 1508114042 |
Ambler, Christian C | PH.D. | Palo Alto, CA | 1558421255 |
Ames-Klein, Clare | PH.D. | Lafayette, CA | 1538383831 |
Amick, Leticia C | PHD | Glendale, CA | 1063490514 |
Anderson, Aimee Elizabeth | PH.D., BCBA-D | Moorpark, CA | 1356630602 |
Anderson, Daniel | J.D., PH.D. | Los Angeles, CA | 1134528573 |
Anderson, Gabrielle Eliza | PH.D. | San Francisco, CA | 1306085493 |
Anderson, Nicholas | PH.D. | Los Angeles, CA | 1720450638 |
Andrade, Alondra Arizbeth | Walnut Creek, CA | 1104525716 |
Andrew Potter, Ph.D., Psychologist, Inc. | Walnut Creek, CA | 1043814288 |
Andrews, Sonia T | PH.D. | Oakland, CA | 1215144043 |
Antonia Bercovici, Ph.D. Inc. | San Francisco, CA | 1033472824 |
Anvin, Susan | PH.D. | San Jose, CA | 1659420594 |
Ari Well, Inc. A Professional Psychological Corporation | Lake Forest, CA | 1972209781 |
Arias, Steven J | PH.D | San Diego, CA | 1831482892 |
Armer, Erin Gallagher | PHD | Palo Alto, CA | 1093338386 |
Armstrong-Conner, Alison Elise | PH.D. | Fresno, CA | 1285839456 |
Armstrong-Walker, Gerri Lane | PSY | San Jose, CA | 1255579363 |
Arneson, Tasha Dene' | MFT | Murrieta, CA | 1821209412 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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