Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical Child & Adolescent health care providers in Minnesota
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 10,027 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical Child & Adolescent doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Minnesota, there are about 266 Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers / Clinical Child & Adolescent health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Abdulrahman, Sumeya Hamza | Minneapolis, MN | 1437802311 |
Adler, Leslie Levine | PH.D. | Burnsville, MN | 1649381419 |
Ahmed, Amin Abdi | Saint Paul, MN | 1316782444 |
Ahumada, Sandra | PHD | Saint Paul, MN | 1619461597 |
Alexander, Manju Elizabeth | Minneapolis, MN | 1932714524 |
Anderson, Nicole Arola | PHD | Minneapolis, MN | 1518432046 |
Anoka Psychological Services, Pa | Coon Rapids, MN | 1730302894 |
Arikian, Aimee Jo Sitzer | PH.D., LP | Saint Paul, MN | 1477990570 |
Aris Behavioral Health Llc | Woodbury, MN | 1083385231 |
Attachment And Family Center Of Minnesota | Chaska, MN | 1053485904 |
Aurora Healing Inc | Elk River, MN | 1376007708 |
Avery, Catherine Butler | PH.D. | Minneapolis, MN | 1184872897 |
Bailis, Stefan A. | PSYD | Saint Paul, MN | 1891086005 |
Ballard Psychological Services Llc | Minneapolis, MN | 1447651062 |
Ballard, Kristin L | PH.D. | Edina, MN | 1366755597 |
Barr, Ross Fulton | PSY | Minnetonka, MN | 1851775308 |
Bashir, Rowda Madad | Saint Paul, MN | 1649019787 |
Bateman, Kimberly | PSY | Saint Paul, MN | 1588774871 |
Bayrd, Mary J | M.A. ED. SPEC | Eden Prairie, MN | 1750488516 |
Behavior Solutions Plus, Pa | Eagan, MN | 1407943087 |
Bendezu, Jason Jose | LP | Minneapolis, MN | 1992430698 |
Berry, Sharon Lee | PHD, LP, ABPP | St. Louis Park, MN | 1568457927 |
Better Fit Psychology & Consulting | Minneapolis, MN | 1497351142 |
Blair, Melissa M. | PH.D. | Minneapolis, MN | 1962570242 |
Blossom Whole Family Therapy & Child Psychology Center, Pllc | Minnetonka, MN | 1194059642 |
Boscardin, James Edward | PH.D. | Golden Valley, MN | 1972682847 |
Boys, Christopher James | PHD, LP | Minneapolis, MN | 1568418812 |
Brandell, Kara Marie | PSY | Eden Prairie, MN | 1184948606 |
Brandl, Rochelle J | PH.D., L.P. | Brooklyn Center, MN | 1750458899 |
Brant, Brenda Diane | PSY | Maple Grove, MN | 1316180011 |
Brown, Albert | Minneapolis, MN | 1194951178 |
Bruggeman, Jamie | Saint Paul, MN | 1235976234 |
Bucchianeri, Michaela Marie | PH.D, LP | Minnetonka, MN | 1255840187 |
Buckley, Rowan P | PSYD | Loretto, MN | 1992145288 |
Budd, Linda | RPT | Saint Paul, MN | 1801989157 |
Cantazaro, Amy Elizabeth | PH.D. | Minneapolis, MN | 1407147713 |
Carlson, Elizabeth | PH.D., L.P. | Saint Paul, MN | 1639388747 |
Cassidy, Adam | PH.D. | Rochester, MN | 1326395039 |
Cauley, Bridget Kathleen | PHD | Bloomington, MN | 1922590710 |
Centerlife Counseling, Llc | Centerville, MN | 1417283946 |
Central Minnesota Couseling Center, Inc. | Saint Cloud, MN | 1457544686 |
Childs Olson, Lucy | L.P. | Burnsville, MN | 1871853820 |
Clemmensen, Deborah Jean | M.EQ. | Minnetonka, MN | 1992711154 |
Comprehensive Behavioral Health Services, Pa | Red Wing, MN | 1346376282 |
Conelea, Christine | Minneapolis, MN | 1710393046 |
Confident Kids And Couples Counseling | Wayzata, MN | 1134572522 |
Conkel Ziebell, Julia Louise | PH.D., LP | Oakdale, MN | 1033486964 |
Conroy, Blake Anthony | Saint Paul, MN | 1164269486 |
Corral, Macarena Mayerle | PSYD, LP | Richfield, MN | 1538443452 |
Covin, Ellie | PSY | Golden Valley, MN | 1154526069 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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