Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Physician Assistant health care providers in Louisiana
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 209,984 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Physician Assistant doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Louisiana, there are about 2,018 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Physician Assistant health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aaron, Emery Leigh | PA | Ruston, LA | 1942907852 |
Abbeville Emergency Group Llc | Abbeville, LA | 1760799290 |
Abel, Joseph Michael | PA | Covington, LA | 1588233019 |
Abshier, Natalie Viator | PA | Baton Rouge, LA | 1144614017 |
Abukhader, Sarah Nabil | PA | Gretna, LA | 1962192245 |
Acadia Emergency Group Llc | Crowley, LA | 1629173067 |
Ace Surgical Consultants, Llc | Shreveport, LA | 1962041541 |
Acevedo, Valerie Terrill | PA | North Fort Polk, LA | 1932457405 |
Ackel, Noell S | PA | Baton Rouge, LA | 1114479680 |
Acosta, Bryant Anthony | PA | Winnfield, LA | 1952445249 |
Acs Primary Care Physicians Louisiana Pc | Alexandria, LA | 1306889092 |
Adair, Karen Frances | PA | Baton Rouge, LA | 1609283407 |
Adams, Glynn | Shreveport, LA | 1194453373 |
Adcock, Jacquelyn E | PA | Bossier City, LA | 1972803088 |
Alexander, Heather | PA | Jefferson, LA | 1013422765 |
Alexander, Madison | PA | Chalmette, LA | 1205567146 |
Alexander, Marie | PA | New Orleans, LA | 1063984607 |
Alexander-Sallier, Juanita | PA | Gretna, LA | 1043475759 |
Alleman, Lisa Casteigne | PA | Baton Rouge, LA | 1770712747 |
Allemand, Sammy | PA | Thibodaux, LA | 1346727310 |
Allen Emergency Group Llc | Oakdale, LA | 1275502585 |
Allen, Courtney | Alexandria, LA | 1619343548 |
Allen, Justin Thomas | PA | Baton Rouge, LA | 1871154229 |
Allen, Melissa Anne | PA | Baton Rouge, LA | 1760258602 |
Allen, Sarah Tucker | PA | Bossier City, LA | 1295088656 |
Alleyne, Katherine Buchert | PA | New Orleans, LA | 1558610576 |
Allgood, John T | PA | Opelousas, LA | 1386728541 |
Allman, Andrew R | PA | Fort Polk, LA | 1528305828 |
Alongi, Gabriela Ordoyne | PA | River Ridge, LA | 1518540327 |
Alston, Amy | PA | Slidell, LA | 1013528629 |
Altazan, James D | P.A.C. | Baton Rouge, LA | 1518987064 |
Alvarez, Martha | PA | Shreveport, LA | 1336799204 |
Alviar, Hazel | PA | Pineville, LA | 1174686877 |
Am Surgical Assist | Metairie, LA | 1619322781 |
Amadeo, Jason Paul | PA | Jefferson, LA | 1992091557 |
Ambassador Emergency Group Llc | Lafayette, LA | 1316030844 |
Ambrose, Nathan J | PA | Lafayette, LA | 1326694076 |
Ammon, Brian | Baton Rouge, LA | 1376078022 |
Anders, Bayleigh | PA | Baton Rouge, LA | 1558030486 |
Anderson, Lindsey | PA | Shreveport, LA | 1639891104 |
Anderson, Madison | PA | Hammond, LA | 1982441374 |
Anderson, Todd David | DSC EMPA | Fort Polk, LA | 1326198698 |
Andrepont, Tanya | AU | New Orleans, LA | 1669561973 |
Andrews, Jasmin | New Orleans, LA | 1184239550 |
Andrews, Jeb | PA | Monroe, LA | 1174631642 |
Angelo, Joseph Michael | PA | Shreveport, LA | 1992831895 |
Anthony, Kathleen | PA | Shreveport, LA | 1386078095 |
Anthony-Mcallister, Misty Marlene | PA | Shreveport, LA | 1740646355 |
Anzalone, Hannah Alise | PA | Covington, LA | 1730793787 |
Arcement, Patrick | PA | Baton Rouge, LA | 1447705835 |
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