Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Physician Assistant health care providers in Minnesota
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 209,984 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Physician Assistant doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Minnesota, there are about 4,398 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Physician Assistant health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Aaseby-Aguilera, Ramona Ann | PA | Minneapolis, MN | 1407896269 |
Abben, Aimee Jo | PA | Saint Paul, MN | 1881824258 |
Abbott, Elise Marie | Maplewood, MN | 1871240168 |
Abdelal, Yasmine Amro | Minneapolis, MN | 1174372536 |
Abdi, Deqa Awil | PA | Rochester, MN | 1396416970 |
Abraham, Eliza Anderson | PA | White Bear Lake, MN | 1699437145 |
Abraham, Kelsey Kay | PA | Mora, MN | 1427666320 |
Abraham, Susan | Saint Paul, MN | 1801344072 |
Abrahamson, Tess | PA | Minneapolis, MN | 1205334828 |
Abric, Alexia Ione | PA | Rochester, MN | 1962156885 |
Abuhadid, Kholood Abdelmutie | PA | Rochester, MN | 1629739313 |
Ackerman, Caitlin Hiniker | PA | Minneapolis, MN | 1679047310 |
Adamek, Stephanie | Minneapolis, MN | 1104247030 |
Adams, Joyanna | PA | Burnsville, MN | 1447637434 |
Adams, Kelly J | PA | St Paul, MN | 1982670030 |
Adams, Robert A | OPA-C | Rochester, MN | 1689651648 |
Adamski, Claire | Arden Hills, MN | 1659964229 |
Adan, Mohamed Abdi | Minneapolis, MN | 1336725837 |
Adelman, Tanya Kelly | PA | Saint Paul, MN | 1922235365 |
Aden, Muhiyadin Yusuf | PA | Brooklyn Center, MN | 1326769910 |
Adjagodo, Abiel Koffi Madje | PA | Saint Paul, MN | 1760150692 |
Advocate Urgent Care Pllc | Zimmerman, MN | 1568245397 |
Affield, Carrie | PA | Pelican Rapids, MN | 1881889673 |
Affinity Medical Group Pa | New Hope, MN | 1285930313 |
Agneberg, Leah Nicole | PA | Edina, MN | 1720547920 |
Ahdunko, Kristin M | PA | Red Wing, MN | 1497724272 |
Ahlgren, Ryan | Saint Paul, MN | 1922776129 |
Ahlquist, Kari Lee | PA | Aitkin, MN | 1205167541 |
Ahlskog, Kaitlin | PA | Mankato, MN | 1649638883 |
Ahlskog, Matthew | PA | Faribault, MN | 1760953897 |
Ahmann, Olga T. | PA | St. Paul, MN | 1285076331 |
Ahmed, Aisha Khadija | PA | Minneapolis, MN | 1619600038 |
Ahmed, Najma | Minneapolis, MN | 1568211944 |
Ahmed, Yasin Ali | Shakopee, MN | 1760103345 |
Aideed, Maryan Mohamed | Saint Cloud, MN | 1083382055 |
Ajayi, Esther Adewunmi | New Brighton, MN | 1316534456 |
Akins, Alexandra L | PA | Minneapolis, MN | 1518617653 |
Alberts, Chloe Erin | PA | St Louis Park, MN | 1376195669 |
Albrecht, Richard John | PA | Saint Paul, MN | 1982809976 |
Aldrich, Luke Gates | PA | Edina, MN | 1457073355 |
Aleman, William Pamicio | PA | Rochester, MN | 1881679561 |
Alexander, Kelsey Jane | PAC | Edina, MN | 1881037679 |
Alfaro, Daisy | PA | Minneapolis, MN | 1093240863 |
Ali, Ifrah | Minneapolis, MN | 1134978513 |
Allen, Chadd T | PA | St Cloud, MN | 1699071803 |
Allen, Gregory | PA | St Louis Park, MN | 1972037059 |
Allina Health System | Eagan, MN | 1316454481 |
Allina Health System | Lakeville, MN | 1952818023 |
Allina Health System | Robbinsdale, MN | 1265922207 |
Allina Health System | Brooklyn Park, MN | 1750863510 |
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