Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Primary Care health care providers in Florida
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 16,134 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Primary Care doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Florida, there are about 1,712 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Primary Care health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
1977 Enterprise Llc | Orlando, FL | 1952009995 |
365 Wellness | Lake Worth, FL | 1013598358 |
A Healthier You | St Petersburg, FL | 1144915034 |
A Kut Above Mobile Medical Inc | Melbourne, FL | 1255195749 |
A New Way Healthcare, Llc | Jacksonville Beach, FL | 1154182020 |
A1 Health & Wellness, Llc | Melbourne, FL | 1518745223 |
Abouhanna, Maria Sharon | ARNP | Largo, FL | 1932220837 |
Above And Beyond Health And Wellness Llc | Ocala, FL | 1760136287 |
Adair, Charmaine Lasha | Tallahassee, FL | 1881295780 |
Adams, Amber J | NURSE PRACTITIONER | Marianna, FL | 1255980736 |
Adams, Rebecca | ARNP | Green Cove Springs, FL | 1063882264 |
Adan, Orlando | Miami, FL | 1568225605 |
Addison, Hyacinth Fay | Orlando, FL | 1780116012 |
Aderis Health Technologies | Orlando, FL | 1124751821 |
Adkins, Gail Lynette | APRN | Melbourne, FL | 1922869098 |
Adkinson, Lauren F | ARNP | Niceville, FL | 1740217728 |
Adult Vitality Healthcare Llc | Lakeland, FL | 1407626989 |
Advanced Regenerative Health Llc | Fort Lauderdale, FL | 1780465559 |
Affordable Family Nurse Practitioners Of Tampa Bay Llc | Wesley Chapel, FL | 1952178980 |
Agape Mobile Medicine | Fort Pierce, FL | 1043957350 |
Agbo, Somtochukwu Queen | Tampa, FL | 1518723477 |
Aguilar, Christopher | CRNP | Tampa, FL | 1306319504 |
Aguilera, Deysi | RN | Tampa, FL | 1538487046 |
Ahmad, Aalaa Mohammad | Sunny Isles Beach, FL | 1891385589 |
Aikman, Lori | ARNP | Orlando, FL | 1801179874 |
Aitchison, Sarah Danielle | APRN | Tampa, FL | 1912545666 |
Ajc Medical Group | Miami, FL | 1780044982 |
Ajh Complete Care Llc | Orlando, FL | 1386424851 |
Akkouche, Samia | APRN | Fort Myers, FL | 1316533367 |
Alagano, Rosalinda David | ARNP | Orlando, FL | 1679575096 |
Albright, Erin Mary | MSN | Bradenton, FL | 1205611712 |
Alejandro, Gentana | NP | Ocala, FL | 1679127310 |
Alexander, Suzanne Elizabeth | APRN | Saint Petersburg, FL | 1285213116 |
Alexandrescu, Suzana Cristina | ARNP | Hollywood, FL | 1629822135 |
Alexis, Jacques Feres | MD | North Miami Beach, FL | 1467854521 |
Alfonso Garcia, Yindra | APRN | Miami, FL | 1396486213 |
Alfonso, Yiovanni | MSN | Miami, FL | 1396389094 |
Alford, Travis | ARNP | Palm Bay, FL | 1477194611 |
Algarin, Sluvia | Miami Beach, FL | 1780274183 |
Alive & Blossom Healthcare Llc | Davenport, FL | 1669067146 |
Alivia Care Solutions, Inc. | Jacksonville, FL | 1487407235 |
Allen, Anna K | ARNP | Brooksville, FL | 1508869330 |
Allen, Jason | Jacksonville, FL | 1023557386 |
Allergy & Family Wellness Clinic | Orlando, FL | 1194314591 |
Allport, Sarah | APRN | Orlando, FL | 1295421535 |
Alters, Brandon Garry | ARNP | Tampa, FL | 1841689635 |
Alvarez Gonzalez, Isleidy | Tampa, FL | 1073211629 |
Alvarez, Christine Morancy | APRN | Miami, FL | 1093353757 |
Alvarez, Lisabeth Maria | APRN | Miami, FL | 1134846728 |
Alvarez, Martha | FNP | Summerfield, FL | 1689151607 |
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