Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Primary Care health care providers in Louisiana
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 16,134 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Primary Care doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Louisiana, there are about 215 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Primary Care health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Adams, Bianca Steib | NP | Houma, LA | 1174157085 |
Adcock, Rebecca | CNP | Baton Rouge, LA | 1821687187 |
Advanced Primary Care Of Louisiana Llc | Gray, LA | 1114605722 |
Advantage Housecalls Llc | Walker, LA | 1366909095 |
Alexandria Healthcare Consultants, Llc | Alexandria, LA | 1831591650 |
Alpha Health Services | New Orleans, LA | 1437626728 |
Anderson, Dominique Bowman | FNP | Baton Rouge, LA | 1992289045 |
Anderson, Karen Nicole | APRN | Westlake, LA | 1154943397 |
Anderson, Stephanie | NP | Shreveport, LA | 1427711464 |
Andrews, Nancy | NP | Monroe, LA | 1730297201 |
Apemus Llc | Mandeville, LA | 1912528985 |
Arcane Health Care, Llc | Alexandria, LA | 1396149092 |
Baker, Judith Marie | APRN | Slidell, LA | 1639553639 |
Beard, Jessica Nashae | FNP | Ferriday, LA | 1386129757 |
Bell-Pitts, Jane Katharine | FNP | Slidell, LA | 1881832715 |
Berel, Kimberly Conway | NP | Slidell, LA | 1568854115 |
Berger, Debra H | NP | Metairie, LA | 1750778908 |
Bergeron, Emily Geesling | FNP | Franklin, LA | 1033627906 |
Bleu Med Spa & Laser Clinic, Llc | Slidell, LA | 1225744642 |
Boston Primary Care Llc | Greenwell Springs, LA | 1891454328 |
Bothello, Jamie | FNP | New Orleans, LA | 1669250437 |
Bourgeois, Bradlee | NP | Kenner, LA | 1447796552 |
Branford, Shannon B | NP | New Orleans, LA | 1578710448 |
Breaux, Jill Angelle | APRN | Jennings, LA | 1598019978 |
Bueche, Jill L | FNP | Houma, LA | 1598370991 |
Buras, Jodi Vincensfnp-Bc | NP | Covington, LA | 1265409080 |
Burns, Savanna Lee | DNP | Baton Rouge, LA | 1629644463 |
Caraccioli, Reyna | FNP | New Orleans, LA | 1396470605 |
Caring Hands Heart Rural Healthcare | Bastrop, LA | 1134836901 |
Carlisle, Brittney Alan | NURSE PRACTITIONER | Baton Rouge, LA | 1811359052 |
Carlock Enterprises Llc | Leesville, LA | 1649524257 |
Carlock, Victor Vance | NP | Leesville, LA | 1396948402 |
Carpenter, Cendi Coutee | Pineville, LA | 1588213888 |
Carr Care Clinic | Chalmette, LA | 1578324299 |
Carr, Shelita Smith | APRN | Chalmette, LA | 1932541885 |
Caudill, Phyllis | Shreveport, LA | 1568239283 |
Chavez-Jones, Karen | MSN | Kenner, LA | 1538713649 |
Chelette, Bobby D | NP | West Monroe, LA | 1417565615 |
Childrens Hospital Medical Practice Corporation | New Orleans, LA | 1821090713 |
Clark, Ashley | APRN | Baton Rouge, LA | 1548497084 |
Cloutier, Lindsay Foret | NP | Morgan City, LA | 1356702856 |
Collins, Elisha | APRN | New Orleans, LA | 1811437866 |
Collins, Oto-Obong | Avondale, LA | 1780230474 |
Comprehensive Adult Primary Care Clinic | Baton Rouge, LA | 1215527452 |
Cook, Leslie Renae | NPN.P. | Slidell, LA | 1497154900 |
Cornu, Olivia Lauren | AGPCNP-C | New Orleans, LA | 1144671538 |
Cossich, Martha D | MSN | New Orleans, LA | 1235842287 |
Cox, Casey H | FNP | Slidell, LA | 1952662447 |
Crawford, Jacob Victor | FNP | Sicily Island, LA | 1962987586 |
Credeur, Courtney Leigh | APRN | Lafayette, LA | 1285222067 |
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