Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Psychiatric/Mental Health health care providers in North Carolina
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 51,955 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Psychiatric/Mental Health doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In North Carolina, there are about 1,415 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Psychiatric/Mental Health health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
A Better Place Behavioral Health | New Bern, NC | 1992071674 |
A Bridge To Healing, Pllc | Shelby, NC | 1861108565 |
A'Journey Psychiatric Care, Inc | Mint Hill, NC | 1881456275 |
Abbah, Theresa Nmah | PMHNP | Smithfield, NC | 1306586847 |
Abiahu, Tobechukwu Chimuanya | Raleigh, NC | 1558070433 |
Above & Beyond Medical Services, Pllc | Statesville, NC | 1578234506 |
Abraham, Ajith | PMHNP | Durham, NC | 1053983098 |
Acceptance Pathway Psychiatry Pllc | Fayetteville, NC | 1013764281 |
Achieving Wellness | Rowland, NC | 1962033431 |
Adams, Tereon Nachon | NP | Rocky Mount, NC | 1164672382 |
Adams, Travis Blake | Gastonia, NC | 1154189538 |
Addiction Treatment Recovery And Education | Charlotte, NC | 1134723794 |
Adepetun, Ruth Damilola | PMHNP-BC | Mooresville, NC | 1518362862 |
Adewoyin, Abidemi | PMHNP-BC | Concord, NC | 1073261640 |
Adrignola, Eric Joseph | PMHNP-BC | Hendersonville, NC | 1750975181 |
Affiliated Medical Group, Pllc | Jacksonville, NC | 1922280700 |
Affirmed Counseling, Pllc | Albemarle, NC | 1184114910 |
Agape Health And Wellness Services, Pllc | Davidson, NC | 1013445493 |
Agbewali, Lucinda Okyere | FNP | Charlotte, NC | 1831730787 |
Agiato, Maria | PMHNP-BC | Durham, NC | 1144651951 |
Agunobi, Rita Nkem | FNP | Charlotte, NC | 1205374865 |
Agyekum Addo, Richard | PMHNP-BC | Charlotte, NC | 1700419835 |
Aham-Iroetugo, Nneoma Ogonnaya | PMHNP-BC | Greensboro, NC | 1285320697 |
Akande, Mosebolatan | PMHNP | Chapel Hill, NC | 1851132633 |
Akonchong, Joyce Oben | Charlotte, NC | 1427714872 |
Alabi, Festus Olubanjo | NP | Gastonia, NC | 1306500996 |
Alchemy Healthy Minds And Wellness Pllc | Jacksonville, NC | 1740943653 |
Alexander, Maria Teresa | Greenville, NC | 1679032387 |
Alexis Ressler, Aprn, Pllc | Asheville, NC | 1720703887 |
Align Mental Health & Wellness | Charlotte, NC | 1114613908 |
All, Jonah | Hendersonville, NC | 1669057345 |
Allen, Kathleen Ann | FNP | Pinehurst, NC | 1275572935 |
Allen, Priscilla Jo Bryan | FNP | Rocky Mount, NC | 1992074652 |
Allen, Tina Lawson | FNP | Greensboro, NC | 1518581412 |
Alliant Behavioral Care Pllc | Mount Airy, NC | 1477200384 |
Allied Psychophysiology Services Pllc | Wilmington, NC | 1700069150 |
Allison, Shelley Kathryn | Pinehurst, NC | 1225727241 |
Allran, Jennifer J | NP | Hillsborough, NC | 1720305196 |
Almond, Alexandria | Wilmington, NC | 1679219810 |
Alpha Neurobehavioral Clinic Pllc | Jacksonville, NC | 1154797033 |
Alston, Sakina | Mooresville, NC | 1073107751 |
Alternatives Residential Care Homes | Shelby, NC | 1750858627 |
Amara Wellness Services, Inc | Charlotte, NC | 1063039253 |
Amematsro, Fred | PMHNP-BC | Thomasville, NC | 1750735825 |
Amerine, Jeanne | PMHNP | Hillsborough, NC | 1528423456 |
Amica Mental Health | Asheville, NC | 1144847377 |
Anderson, Carolyn Sue | RN | Black Mountain, NC | 1619229614 |
Anderson, Donna Nicole | FNP | Raleigh, NC | 1619353612 |
Anderson, Latisha Shaconna | PMHNP | Raleigh, NC | 1346822822 |
Anderson, Scott Thomas | PMHNP-BC | Arden, NC | 1285308437 |
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