Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Psychiatric/Mental Health health care providers in Rhode Island
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 51,955 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Psychiatric/Mental Health doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Rhode Island, there are about 243 Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers / Psychiatric/Mental Health health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
Abney, Maryann | APRN | Wakefield, RI | 1770564106 |
Abraham, Geeta J | PMHNP | Providence, RI | 1134772437 |
Abramson, Julianne Marie | FNP | West Warwick, RI | 1497235428 |
Adebimpe, Munirat Omodele | PMHNP-BC | Providence, RI | 1457876716 |
Adewuyi, Falashade F | PMHNP-BC | Providence, RI | 1871963678 |
Agape Counsiling Center Janice Archeer Sole Mbr | Warwick, RI | 1538522578 |
Agnew, Katelyn R | PMHNP-BC | Providence, RI | 1972122364 |
Aguiar, Linda A | PMHNP-BC | Providence, RI | 1457965998 |
Albertario, Joseph | PMHNP-BC | Johnston, RI | 1326424466 |
Alison Perry Pmhnp Llc | Providence, RI | 1750142519 |
Allaire, Joseph | PMHNP-BC | Newport, RI | 1831831536 |
Allen, Rachel | PMHNP-BC | Wakefield, RI | 1285938118 |
Anderson, Christopher Bruce | PMHNP-BC | Providence, RI | 1912685306 |
Andrews, Ryan John | PMHNP-BC | East Providence, RI | 1285303628 |
Antwi, Akos | APRN | Providence, RI | 1760966436 |
Antwi, Rebecca Frempong | Pawtucket, RI | 1396328357 |
Archer, Janice Elena | RN | Warwick, RI | 1063417855 |
Arden, Meredith Louise | PMHNP | Providence, RI | 1912514076 |
Baca, Roberto A | DNP, ARNP, PMHNP-BC | Woonsocket, RI | 1669808473 |
Bailey, Lenna M | PMHNP | Providence, RI | 1457116444 |
Barros, Maria N | NP | Cranston, RI | 1700135316 |
Basques, Kathryn | APRN | Providence, RI | 1982954160 |
Bates, Dee Anne | MSN | Middletown, RI | 1912979774 |
Baxter Behavioral Health Llc | North Kingstown, RI | 1972975845 |
Baxter, Ryan Patrick | MSN | North Kingstown, RI | 1457769721 |
Beacon Behavioral Health | Middletown, RI | 1861260325 |
Beesley, Erin Lynne | APRN | Middletown, RI | 1750054086 |
Bennard, Rebecca Lorraine | PMHNP | East Greenwich, RI | 1558064774 |
Berdichevsky, Ruslan | NP | Providence, RI | 1700120946 |
Berk, Jill Ann | APRN | Newport, RI | 1821415225 |
Berry, Amanda Murchison | FNP | Johnston, RI | 1578876744 |
Bessette, Rhonda Michelle | PMHNP-BC | North Kingstown, RI | 1033888037 |
Beyond Beauty Medspa Ri Llp | Cranston, RI | 1831951995 |
Bisland, Ann Pearce | APRN | Wakefield, RI | 1821465386 |
Borno, Elisabeth Gessie | North Kingstown, RI | 1992427439 |
Boyd, Vivien P | MSN | Riverside, RI | 1902566177 |
Bright Star Behavioral, Llc | Pawtucket, RI | 1114685880 |
Brynes, Nicole Watkins | DNP, PMHNP-BC, CPEN | Providence, RI | 1649725946 |
Buck-Herdrich, Sarah Arlene | RN | Portsmouth, RI | 1285652941 |
Burger, Freja | APRN | Westerly, RI | 1952075475 |
Canzone, Dayna Renee | PMHNP | West Warwick, RI | 1861991184 |
Carlin, Jessica Faith | RN | Providence, RI | 1316071533 |
Chabot, Alexandra Elizabeth | R.N./N.P. | West Warwick, RI | 1386086395 |
Chevez, Ruth | APRN | Lincoln, RI | 1134599285 |
Cleary, Beth | RN | West Warwick, RI | 1487062907 |
Coggins, Nicole | PMHNP | Providence, RI | 1356723548 |
Collins, Kelly Anne | APRN | Pawtucket, RI | 1801361019 |
Connor, Stephanie Ann | NP | Johnston, RI | 1073251039 |
Cooperstein, Gillian Leahy | PMHNP | Cranston, RI | 1487271565 |
Core Of Hope Psychiatry Llc | Cranston, RI | 1154108603 |
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