Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Occupational Therapist health care providers in Colorado
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 162,630 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Occupational Therapist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Colorado, there are about 3,736 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Occupational Therapist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
5280 Rehab Services | Denver, CO | 1336703719 |
A C Enterprises, Llc | Colorado Springs, CO | 1407244403 |
A Little Hand Occupational Therapy Llc | Louisville, CO | 1720361421 |
A Rowland, Sarah Allison | OTR | Littleton, CO | 1538863691 |
A Step Ahead Pediatric Pt, Pc | Denver, CO | 1851415194 |
Aaron, Patricia Clay | OTR | Pueblo, CO | 1992220529 |
Abele, Sandi Richelle | OTR | Grand Junction, CO | 1376316828 |
Above And Beyond Therapy, Llc | Fort Collins, CO | 1134675986 |
Above It All Physical Therapy, Pllc | Highlands Ranch, CO | 1588890354 |
Abrams, Julie | OTR | Longmont, CO | 1629109889 |
Accessible Home Modifications Pllc | Boulder, CO | 1306546387 |
Ace Pediatric Therapy, Llc | Colorado Springs, CO | 1972802304 |
Achieve Therapy Llc | Fort Collins, CO | 1437670775 |
Achievements Llc | Erie, CO | 1497385637 |
Ackart, Heather Nacole | OTR | Fort Collins, CO | 1700449071 |
Acorn To Oak Occupational Therapy, Llc | Lafayette, CO | 1053019885 |
Action Potential Rllp | Colorado Springs, CO | 1093736316 |
Adair, Hope Tyler | OTR | Fort Collins, CO | 1801671896 |
Adams, Alesha Dawn | OTR | Grand Junction, CO | 1497900146 |
Adams, Allison Leigh | OTR | Aurora, CO | 1407623374 |
Adams, Christa Barbette | OTR | Colorado Springs, CO | 1790091049 |
Adams, Peggy | OTR | Colorado Springs, CO | 1437554474 |
Adams, Yen | Castle Rock, CO | 1629478482 |
Adamson, Marnie | Longmont, CO | 1114343738 |
Advance Therapy, Inc. | Fort Collins, CO | 1962819367 |
Adventure Therapy Services Llc | Aurora, CO | 1811751084 |
Aegis Therapies - Colorado Rehab Llc | Colorado Springs, CO | 1053175174 |
Age In Place Mobile Therapy, Llc | Carbondale, CO | 1578170833 |
Ager, Alison Dawn | OTR | Centennial, CO | 1942709977 |
Agnello, Karen Jo | OTR | Boncarbo, CO | 1023200128 |
Agomoh, Sylverline Anurika | Grand Junction, CO | 1629234174 |
Aguilar, Audrey Jane | REGISTERED OCCUPATIO | Parker, CO | 1619030764 |
Ahrens, Dennis John | OTR | Greenwood Village, CO | 1013343888 |
Aicher, Orapunn | OTR | Lakewood, CO | 1497064190 |
Aigner, Elizabeth Ann | OTR | Highlands Ranch, CO | 1295383792 |
Ainsworth, Vickie Gayle | OTR | Pueblo, CO | 1407131485 |
Albert, Carol Ann | OTR | Colorado Springs, CO | 1992125587 |
Albin, Jennifer | OTR | Dove Creek, CO | 1437143138 |
Alcorn-Borodach, Kara L. | OTR | Fort Collins, CO | 1386183309 |
Alden, Christy Alexis | OTR | Ft Collins, CO | 1861445769 |
Aleu, Mackenzie Casler | OTR | Longmont, CO | 1508644857 |
Alewine, Hayden E | OTR | Golden, CO | 1558879478 |
Alexander, Caitlin | Colorado Springs, CO | 1508553462 |
Alexander, Dari Gay | OTR | Grand Junction, CO | 1194955369 |
Alexander, Susan Gambill | Colorado Springs, CO | 1093085581 |
Alexander, Wendy R | OTR | Aurora, CO | 1457590648 |
Alford, Denise Odell | OTR | Colorado Springs, CO | 1356622757 |
Ali, Samantha | OTR | Cascade, CO | 1235574112 |
All Joy In | Denver, CO | 1750677670 |
Allain, Niklaas David Jules | OT | Fort Collins, CO | 1215910153 |
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