Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Occupational Therapist health care providers in Missouri
NPI Number One ( helps you easily look up more than 162,630 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Occupational Therapist doctors, physicians and medical groups in the United States of America. In Missouri, there are about 3,303 Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers / Occupational Therapist health care providers (individuals and groups). NPI Number One provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations, and more. All information produced by the NPI Number One is actually provided in accordance with the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. The NPPES creates a record for each health care provider to whom it assigns an NPI.
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Full name | Credentials | City / State | NPI | |
21St Century Therapy, P.C. | Raytown, MO | 1174669386 |
3 Peds In A Pod Llc | Saint Peters, MO | 1912269705 |
417 Pediatric Therapy | Carl Junction, MO | 1366106601 |
Abc'Nd Enterprises Llc | Kansas City, MO | 1376602557 |
Abeille Speech And Feeding Therapy | Saint Louis, MO | 1356932552 |
Abeln, Kaylee Ann | OT | Saint Louis, MO | 1609414358 |
Abernathy, Brittany | Dardenne Prairie, MO | 1548671423 |
Abkemeier, David William | OTR | Florissant, MO | 1184733883 |
Abl Healthcare Services, Llc | Springfield, MO | 1164771606 |
Acain, Rilinda Hilario | OTR | Joplin, MO | 1821204769 |
Access Potential Therapy Services, Llc | Republic, MO | 1952578619 |
Accessable Living | Kansas City, MO | 1881179448 |
Ackerman, Christine | Saint Louis, MO | 1073644530 |
Ackerman, Yolanda Martinez | OTR | Fairfax, MO | 1790975605 |
Acorn Children'S Therapy | Saint Louis, MO | 1881285625 |
Active Rehab Llc | Jefferson City, MO | 1477540102 |
Adair County R1 | Novinger, MO | 1699814335 |
Adams, Bridget | Lake St Louis, MO | 1700462165 |
Adams, Leslie Helena | St. Louis, MO | 1356462444 |
Adams, Sarah Ann | OTR | Kansas City, MO | 1497429054 |
Adelman, Alexandra | OTR | Saint Louis, MO | 1831744390 |
Admire, David W | Fort Leonard Wood, MO | 1407811037 |
Advance Medical Services Wellness Center | Saint Louis, MO | 1205947363 |
Advance Medical Services Wellness Center | Saint Louis, MO | 1700800364 |
Advanced Therapy Services, Llc | Poplar Bluff, MO | 1932339090 |
Advanced Training And Rehab Llc | Chesterfield, MO | 1174576045 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Saint Louis, MO | 1831642768 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Kirkwood, MO | 1558819508 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Chesterfield, MO | 1124558788 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Springfield, MO | 1881286706 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Springfield, MO | 1336731587 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Saint Joseph, MO | 1336726371 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Wildwood, MO | 1508368598 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Farmington, MO | 1518407303 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Kansas City, MO | 1134780737 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Joplin, MO | 1508639071 |
Aegis Group Practice Llc | Springfield, MO | 1902516727 |
Aegis Group Practice, Llc | Kansas City, MO | 1861933558 |
Aegis Group Practice, Llc | Blue Springs, MO | 1750822466 |
Aegis Group Practice, Llc | Raymore, MO | 1538600226 |
Aerne, Jo | OTR | Arnold, MO | 1518367051 |
Affiliated Therapies Of St Marys | Blue Springs, MO | 1063471738 |
Aholt, Michaela M | Saint Peters, MO | 1073010344 |
Ahomana, Elodie Rose | OTR | Kansas City, MO | 1841919164 |
Ail, Julie C | OT | Sikeston, MO | 1083090385 |
Aiyegbusi, Oluwasola Olabode | OTR | Ballwin, MO | 1730516402 |
Albers, Olivia Beth | Ellisville, MO | 1225478738 |
Albright, Nancy Jane | OT | Raytown, MO | 1710171004 |
Alcaraz, Alexandra | OTR | Ballwin, MO | 1063296697 |
Alipala, Catherine Montano | OTRL | Jackson, MO | 1134315591 |
Male doctor / provider Female doctor / provider Medical Group
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